Example sentences of "it [is] only [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm strong in mind , too , though it 's only since the kids that I 've got more patient and confident .
2 It 's only since the Second World War I think that a few nations , especially the , the , the highly socialist ones with a strong erm directed policy of sports , in sports and education , have begun to put an amount of effort into sports training which the less socialistic and less state concentrated countries like our own have found a , a bit offensive .
3 but I mean it 's only because the extra stuff 's in it for it to dissolve in .
4 It 's only because the sun 's not out I 'm
5 You , you , you may come across er legislature like this but you , you would n't be sure , when you they 're justifying it by saying that this is natural , this is a progression in er a historical progression and that in fact that it 's a erm it 's only because the , the landlords were , were sort of evil and nasty to us that , that i it , that they , this is happening .
6 I mean , it 's only because the press and the media generally know all about it ,
7 And it stays like that throughout , so the baby does not use its mechanism to control the temperature , it 's kept at that constant degree of warmth and it 's only when the baby comes out that it has to start looking after itself .
8 yes , because it 's only when the scheme actually starts to operate that you can er get a clear picture of what the cost are going to be , they are budgets , they are estimates and until you start incurring costs you ca n't be absolutely certain as to how the costs are gon na end up
9 No it 's cause it 's it 's it 's only if the police come they 'll they 'll move you on .
10 It 's only cos the .
11 It 's only cos the mistake was n't Alex .
12 It is only once the problem is well under way or even completed that one fully knows what the notation is required to do .
13 It is only since the Barbie trial that the public has begun to get a peep into them .
14 ALTHOUGH the first course in business ethics was offered by Harvard Business School back in 1915 , it is only since the mid-1980s that business schools have truly taken the subject to their hearts .
15 ‘ The basic idea originated in Siberia in the 1950s but it is only since the Cold War ended that people in the West have realised the potential of ideas such as this . ’
16 ‘ The basic idea originated in Siberia in the 1950s , but it is only since the Cold War ended that people in the West have realised the potential of ideas such as this .
17 ‘ No , ’ said Aline , suddenly serious , ‘ it is only that the step from perfectly ordinary things into the miraculous seems to me so small , almost accidental , that I wonder why it astonishes you at all , or why you trouble to reason about it .
18 It is only after the mammalian embryo has implanted in the uterus that differentiation and organization of the fetus occurs .
19 It is only after the child has interacted with the external world and its construction at a sufficiently sophisticated level that language as abstract reference becomes feasible .
20 In later years , say 1964 , 1974 , 1984 , the first vision of Nozières took on its perfection and primacy , as it is only after the mind has cleared itself of the flow of daily preoccupation , planning , expectation , that the moment of a death can be known for what it is , and one 's life mapped , prospectively and retrospectively , to that threshold .
21 It is only if a strike remains in the news for a long period that anything of its history or underlying causes will emerge and then only in the ‘ quality ’ press , rarely on television or in the tabloid newspapers where most people obtain their information .
22 It must comprehend alternatives in policy , since it is only if an electoral decision can alter the actions of government that popular control can be said to be established …
23 It is only if the prosecution amounts to an abuse of the process of the court and is oppressive and vexatious that the judge has the power to intervene .
24 It is only if the interests of the child render it appropriate that the courts of [ England ] rather than [ Australia ] shall determine its future that there can be any exception to an order for its return .
25 It is only if the interests of the child render it appropriate that the courts of country B rather than country A shall determine its future that there can be any exception to an order for its return .
26 It is only if the universe is in this no-boundary state that the laws of science , on their own , determine the probabilities of each possible history .
27 This is fortunate because it is only if the value of the cosmological constant is very small that the universe would be suitable for beings like us .
28 It is only if the misleading price indication is given in the course of a business that an offence is committed .
29 It is only if the existing and permitted uses of the land are so seriously affected as to render the land incapable of reasonably beneficial use that the owner can take advantage of the purchase notice procedure .
30 It is only because a text formally under-determines its interpretation in context that a space is created for pragmatics .
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