Example sentences of "it [is] [prep] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's with not knowing how one is that one has to go to the banks and so on .
2 I had the microphone like that nobody even knows it 's on there do n't take any notice of it .
3 It 's on Am Bodach that a lot of people 's routes converge .
4 The head said it was important to think about ‘ whatever is best ’ for Balbinder , and went back to what the school catered for — ‘ people think it 's for mentally handicapped ’ .
5 Because , as I say , we 've got recycling credits on our side , we 've got the fact that we 've got this outlet in Exmouth which will take the paper , and that 's why we 're looking at producing this workshop area , so that a lot of this stuff that goes to landfill , I 'm talking about , fridges , tables , whichever else that can be repaired and reused er , I know this is only on a very small scale , but one of the things that I think is very important with is that we 're not purely a recycling centre , we also want to set an education project , to raise people 's awareness of what yo yet waste production is n't about recycling , it 's about not producing it in the first place ,
6 Detective work is about a lot of things , mostly it 's about not giving up .
7 I think it 's about how to take probably .
8 Before looking at this in detail it 's worth briefly outlining what all High Elf forces and troop types have in common .
9 Sometimes , if you plan it , it 's worth not reporting a newsworthy event — but make sure the local press finds out casually after it 's over .
10 It 's worth also mentioning , since you saw it in the practical class , that staphylococci in general produce this enzyme catalase all of these er lo thi this is the enzyme which breaks down hydrogen peroxide and detoxifies it .
11 It 's worth also noting at this point that if you are a tenant and renting and you lose your job you are eligible for housing benefit , erm if you if you were er buying your house , although you do get some er er you get the interest I believe on your mortgage paid , there are lots of other things that do not get paid but the thing is that if you have a reduction in your income which might happen where one partner say lost a job , er you s you 're eligible for housing benefit but you get nothing as far as company paid mortgage is concerned .
12 Might the Mr Chairman I was just wondering if it 's worth just mentioning that the , since the Redhill Airport proposal which does include a privately funded motorway link erm point erm has gone to and has been called in to the determination I believe by the Minister , but er we are sort of pending er holding our horses until that er er is nearer the time is that not perhaps
13 Erm it maybe that in this alteration the erm it 's worth just spending a minute on whether B eight should just be kept out of the frame for the moment and it 's something that gets dealt with at a later time when more policies are in play .
14 And I think it 's worth just rehearsing very briefly that history to get an understanding of contemporary federalism .
15 I think it 's worth actually looking at that policy .
16 It 's , it 's by actually looking at , well I , in Bill and Kevin 's appraisal I actually tackled it through their appraisal because we discussed , in quite a lot of depth , erm what their workload and ways in which they could change their workload
17 It 's like just telling the punchline : if you do n't know the joke , it 's not that funny . ’
18 You ca n't imagine what it 's like not to know what it is to meet an attractive person who 's also attracted to you , can you ?
19 We had quite a lot of making guesses of what it 'll , when it 's like half done .
20 ( It 's like continually slapping someone across the face — almost a wince . )
21 Another thing I wrote ( one writes things and the implications shriek — it 's like suddenly realizing one 's deaf ) , ‘ I must fight with my weapons .
22 It is with deep regret that , on behalf of Athletico Whaddon Football Club , I have to report the death of club chairman , Mr Ken Mentle .
23 It is with deep regret that I report the death of Mr Frank Sinclair of Bishop 's Castle .
24 It is with deep regret that we announce the death of one of our first members , Fred Fisher at the age of 79 years .
25 IT IS with deep regret that we announce the demise of EPDD flexi-day .
26 IT IS with deep regret that the death is announced of .
27 IT IS with deep regret that we have to report the deaths of the following :
28 IT is with deep regret that we have to report the deaths of the following :
29 It is with deep regret that the death is announced of , wife of .
30 It is with deep regret that we have to report the deaths of the following :
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