Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 People do n't reject Darwin 's book on the emotions just because it 's , it 's rather heavily tainted with Lamarckism .
2 Self-select P E Ps are a little bit different , is that when you , you the managers give you a choice of shares and it 's rather like pulling the handle on the one-armed bandit , you say right , I 'll start with er er I C I and I 'll back that up with B A T , and , and you leave them in for as long as you want , and you pay a charge when you move the shares , so you can actually control the P E P .
3 It 's like , it 's rather like asking Henry Kissinger to sort of er er give us some advice on foreign policy in Sou in South-East Asia or whatever .
4 It may be human nature to dread each turn of the decade , but it 's equally so to grin and celebrate the Big Birthday when it comes .
5 We assert that strong trade union relationships , on a day to day basis , must be developed in a bilateral form and this agreement provides for substantial trade union cooperation in the European Community and beyond , and it 's already materially advancing the interests of our members and assisting the development of free and independent trade unionism in Eastern and Central Europe and the former Soviet Republics .
6 I said that the Occidental are gon na They 'll either willingly pay or they 're going have to pay a lot of compensation to the bereaved and er fund more or less just going to top up any money when it 's probably not going to be necessary in the long run .
7 It 's fine walking country in any weather , though it 's probably best avoided on Bank Holidays and summer Sundays .
8 It 's probably really bowled one !
9 I would have think it 's probably still acclaimed
10 Well , if you sent your money fairly recently , it 's probably still sitting in their offices unopened — Turbosoft still hold the lease on the building , and until it 's taken over by another company the GPO have no authority to recover and redirect mail .
11 It 's probably still accelerating .
12 I do n't I do n't I do n't I do n't think I do n't think anybody is denying that but it 's clearly not worked .
13 4/5 Mum Quick Dry , Azure , ‘ The fragrance is pleasant — not overpowering — it 's amazingly quick drying and it 's effective all day even in a hot office .
14 I do n't mind dropping in and saying , hello , we we are getting to a size where , er I think it 's speci slightly impractical , I mean er I can see there was so might be useful to know there 's a new member of staff here , it 's either then say there was somebody wandering around , who are you and what are you doing here .
15 But I think perhaps , that in a way that becomes the main point is that , although it 's called The Porch Way , I mean , you know that 's fair enough because you can see it is a porch , it 's not clearly defined we we 've got this sort of two pillars here , and a little bit of green , so they 're losing a bit of shape of the porch er and this becomes the sort of erm main er point of the picture .
17 Because it , it 's , it 's not particularly going to grab me because I 'm going to look at it and I 'm going to I 'm going to look down to see what it 's asking me do and certainly a busy news editor is looking down the line to see , and the first thing he 'll actually do is , is just have a , a very fast glance at it , find out what it 's about , and just make sure there 's someone who can be phoned , and what the news editor will do is actually throw it out into a pile of other handouts and there 's usually a journalist who 's , who 's who 's won first prize and their task for the day is to do all the handouts , and all you want to be sure of is that someone can make a phone call and the news editor wo n't , wo n't bother with any with any superfluous detail , all he 'd want to know is that somebody can be contacted , we 'll find out about it later .
18 It 's not good keeping the prospectuses piled up in the office just in case a casual visitor asks for one , they need to be where people with young children regularly gather .
19 You see , it 's not just speaking in other tongues , there is gon na become the evidence of it as well as we grow in him .
20 ‘ Knowing when prisoners are ready to respond is the skill you learn to develop here ’ , said one ; ‘ the staff are a good lot and there is a positive culture in which to work — but you still have to work out when real work is possible and it 's not just meeting institutional demands . ’
21 They 're not it 's not just choosing th they 're stained
22 It 's not just to do with surface .
23 But it 's not just getting rid of it , it 's enjoying it and sharing it .
24 That 's generally if they both desire integration so it 's not just done on the part of one person .
25 Erm a park tends to give the impression of being like a memorial park , erm equally it 's not just earmarked for football , which is it could be er seen as just that , the idea was that it would provide facilities for all types of sports and interests throughout the er throughout the area , particularly er girls , I know girls play football but there 's a lot of interest in er sport particularly hockey , and I personally would n't like to see it just dominated by football .
26 Our philosophy is that it 's not just conjuring twenty five thousand pounds out of the air , it 's actually changing the way the Corn Exchange is and we feel strongly about that but we are not going to waste your time going through all that .
27 It 'll be , it 's not just look , staining if you look , there 's above the level on the , of the water .
28 It 's not just standing in court .
29 I mean it 's not just letting the excesses go which I think understand it when you first said it , so that idea in itself is a Party idea , it 's not just letting the , the peasants do it and say well okay what you 're trying to say now is that okay that we have got this strategy , we 'll let the excesses go and then we 'll stop it , we get to about stage B and stage C and move on and move on .
30 I mean it 's not just letting the excesses go which I think understand it when you first said it , so that idea in itself is a Party idea , it 's not just letting the , the peasants do it and say well okay what you 're trying to say now is that okay that we have got this strategy , we 'll let the excesses go and then we 'll stop it , we get to about stage B and stage C and move on and move on .
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