Example sentences of "it [is] [pron] of a " in BNC.

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1 because it 's nothing of a job .
2 So it 's something of a treat that the Discovery has its first British airing at Motorfair .
3 AT FIRST sight it 's something of a puzzle how invertebrate animals without eyes measure daylength .
4 It 's something of a shock after the deserts of Utah and Arizona to be greeted by Canadian-style pine forests and snow showers in early June .
5 It 's something of a comedown for the band who 've just had their first taste of the big time supporting Peter Gabriel in Europe .
6 It 's something of a miracle that Posh are still alive .
7 There is a a colossal amount of inconsistency er of a kind that if we were to practice such inconsistency in our courts there would be there would be absolute outcry and it 's it 's something of a scandal I think that er that the police and the executive generally are apparently able to get away with inconsistencies which we are not .
8 It 's something of a comedown for the band who 've just had their first taste of the big time supporting Peter Gabriel in Europe .
9 For a world class decathlete it 's something of a gear change .
10 It 's something of a performance load carrier , with a top speed of mph and 0– mph sprint time to 8. seconds .
11 It 's something of a social occasion , ’ said Dr Williams .
12 The doctor who last saw this said , It 's somewhat of a museum piece .
13 ‘ For those considering remortgages it is something of a balancing act .
14 It is something of a boost for drama teachers to have someone as eminent in education as David Hargreaves taking interest in the value of drama , but if the subject is to develop we must find ways of demonstrating its worth more effectively to more such ‘ outsiders ’ .
15 It is something of a relief to have let my clattering , panicking self go , to wear instead something of the forest 's stillness .
16 It is something of a puzzle , therefore , that others using the flavour-aversion procedure ( Best , Gemberling , and Johnson 1979 ; Kaye , Swietalski , and Mackintosh 1988 b ) should have been able to demonstrate an attenuation of latent inhibition .
17 It is something of a revelation that this memory from over thirty years ago should have remained with Miss Kenton as it has done with me .
18 Tony Soper was Nature 's early-riser and this programme suggested it is something of a habit with him , for we also saw him in the Falklands carrying out an investigation into whether the war — or was it just a conflict ? — had upset the wildlife there .
19 After which it is something of a disappointment to see that Olivetti or the firm 's advertising agents have not applied the spelling disk to the advertisement .
20 It is something of a family tendency to think everything is enormously exciting no matter how ordinary it might appear to others .
21 It is something of a red-letter day for Dwyer — his 51st international in his 51st year .
22 IT IS something of a public statement of Carter 's record company 's faith that they are prepared to spend £20,000 of unrecoupable readies on a major aerodynamic lig for the British press ( faith that is vindicated , one could argue , by the band 's confirmed Biggest Ever Hit ‘ The Only Living Boy In New Cross ’ — Number Eight last week and rising ) .
23 The Press Council strongly encourages anonymity in sexual assault cases , although unlike rape cases they are not covered by the 1976 Act , and so it is something of a test of the voluntary code .
24 The Bidouze marks very roughly the boundary between Basse-Navarre to the west and the third Basque province of the Soule to the east , and because Saint-Palais is , additionally , very close to where the Basque country ends and the region known as Béarn begins , it is something of a transitional town , neither one thing nor the other .
25 In fact , it is something of a mystery how black and Asian people fail the test .
26 It is something of a treat for them , you understand . ’
27 In the way in which , down the years , it has kept its responsibilities as a cultural centre sensibly in step with its growing commercial importance and prosperity , it is something of a model .
28 Even though it has n't been domesticated , it is something of a large version of the pig above , and on parts of its eponymous island it has also hybridised with European wild boars : ie , at one end of Java the pigs are Javan warties , at the other end they 're wild boars , and in the middle they 're half and half .
29 It is something of a paradox that his industry producing luxury fabrics mainly for middle and upper class consumption is of peculiar benefit to the rural poor .
30 Now er w w with every respect , to say that he survived it is something of a crass statement , because I remember reading about him thinking is n't this country getting good that we can have a black guardsman , and I remember my own disappointment when I read that he had to leave the regiment .
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