Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [not/n't] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Even in contemporary Western democracies , a government so powerfully entrenched that it may not feel troubled by the agitation of its enemies , detractors or of its powerless minorities , may court the danger of violent reaction .
2 It may not last long .
3 It may not have strengthened the ‘ latifundium ’ as such — the term is ambiguous and deeply encrusted in political mythology but whoever it strengthened , it was not the subsistence peasant , old or new , the marginal villager who depended on the common lands and , in regions subject to deforestation and erosion , the land itself , no longer protected by communal control of its use .
4 If a partner never could see the point of going to all those meetings , it may not have stopped you but it certainly took the joy out of attending .
5 It may not have shown on screen , but January 1st marked the beginning of a new era for Central Television .
6 It may not have occurred to them that they could do the same when viewing video by themselves .
7 However , although the polenier event is associated with cooling of the ocean , it may not have had a very large impact on the carbon dioxide balance .
8 But , of course , all the probabilities can not be simultaneously reified in a single Universe : while it may not seem to matter much , on the cosmic scale , if an electron is in two places at once , in fact the later consequences of that tiny discrepancy might be enormous .
10 It should n't have jerked his , should it ?
11 However , even if the L.G.U. was left wondering if it should n't have kept the public better informed , it must have been greatly heartened by the number of spectators who not only came to this out-of-the-way championship but made it abundantly clear that they were greatly taken with the high standard of play .
12 Erm now the th H S C is saying that erm it should n't have gone skin to skin and they 've stopped skin to skin in other headings .
13 Now , sometimes it should n't have gone straight out should it ?
14 It should n't have done because it was extra funding it should have been left out but they made
15 It should n't have done that .
16 It should n't have made that much difference to the way she looked , but it did .
17 Anger : " It should n't have happened to me " .
18 It should n't have happened . ’
19 It should n't have happened .
20 It should n't have happened . ’
21 When it was over she leant against him , the side of her face pressed against his neck and she was muttering , ‘ This … it should n't have happened , Charlie .
22 It should n't have happened .
23 yeah one of Andy 's cases this morning I had to do it where it had growth old cash on it , which it should n't have had so it was quite handy .
24 There 's no reason why it should n't have worked .
25 In a ship like this , it should n't have taken you more than eight from the central hub . ’
26 It should n't have taken her long to pack and change out of her sundress into a skirt and blouse , but she found she was folding each garment at least twice , and several times she stood looking out of the window at the busy yard below .
27 The big man was n't given to introspection and he certainly was n't known for his sensitivity but even he was aware that the conversation had somehow been wrong , that it should n't have taken place , not with Martin .
28 It should n't have mattered a jot what Luke thought of her , but it did .
29 It should not pause to sniff at the scents of other dogs , at the same time remaining very responsive to its owner 's instructions , adjusting its stance slightly , perhaps , to show off its finer points .
30 Maxton led the opposition to this view , claiming not that the Party should disaffiliate immediately , but that it should not hesitate to do so if its freedom to advocate the Socialism in Our Time policy were limited .
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