Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [be] do [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It may be a boundary drawn for the toddler 's safety ( ‘ You are not to go out of the front gate ’ ) ; it may be to do with the teenager 's wellbeing ( ‘ You do an hour 's homework ’ or ‘ You have to tell me who you 're out with and where you 'll be ’ ) .
2 sometimes it may be to do with dress , demeanour , mannerisms , you know , kind of again you know people go for oh I do n't know , I mean there 's a conversation er I remember overhearing erm with some friends in Leicester and they , they go to motorbike rallies a lot and erm er they were describing an incident where they pitched their tent at a rally and some blokes came up and pitched their tent next to them and they were erm two blokes had arrived together on the same enormous immaculate motorbike and they 'd got sort of matching leather outfits erm
3 It may be to do with a certain understandable nervousness because they are so far away from the London scene .
4 It may be done through their general practitioner , or , if they are being discharged from hospital and obviously need help in the home , it may be arranged by the hospital social worker .
5 Alternatively , it may be done through linking rewards not to individual efforts but to organizational success and service .
6 In Catholic and High Anglican circles it may be done on the basis of weekly attendance at Mass .
7 The BBC 's pre-war conception of the audience had been more like that of someone reading a book — a deliberate and solitary or individual habit , though it may be done in company — than of a collective social entity .
8 We expected that if a task was set as a group task , then it should be done as a group .
9 Gunnell , captain of the British women 's team , showed exactly how it should be done with what turned into a near-perfect performance .
10 Gunnell , captain of the British women 's team , showed exactly how it should be done with what turned into a near-perfect performance .
11 It is a twenty-mile drive to Loch Hourn at the end of this road , and twenty back , but it should be done at least once in a lifetime , the scenery being outstanding .
12 Should we be thrusting more work down to districts and th , and they 'll to do the job rather than always assume it should be done at this level ?
13 It should be done on the basis of the right of non-smokers to breathe smoke-free air , but wherever possible taking account of the needs of those who smoke . ’
14 I do n't want to jump the queue but it should be done on a fair system . ’
15 We 're both very pleased to have got the bollards and feel confident it should be done before the end of the year . ’
16 That is what people sometimes have in mind , but think that it should be done by internment .
17 ‘ ITV can and should enjoy the economies of scale but we are demonstrating here at HTV it should be done by working partnerships between companies . ’
18 I think , I think it should all be , you know , basically it should be done from
19 Weir quickly got wind of the plan to remove him and discussed the matter with the bailie , James Graham , and the latter had to agree that there was no blame which could be attached to Weir 's conduct beyond his recent irregular attendance , but it was hardly possible for a court to function without a prosecutor , and although Weir was going to have to go , James Graham insisted that ‘ it should be done in the most decent manner and almost with his own consent ’ .
20 That 's why it should be done in the
21 It follows , so it seems to us , that normally , when a film is being shown to a jury and the judge , in the exercise of his discretion , decides that it should be done in a closed courtroom or in a cinema , he should allow representatives of the press to be present .
22 By ignoring concealed households , it is in fact not seeking to house its people , and is in fact not doing what in fact it says it should be doing within the explanatory memorandum .
23 It must be to do with the power of the Worm .
24 Much development was taking place and the old landmarks were fast disappearing , so he realised it must be done with some urgency .
25 Er , it 's something that will be welcomed by the trade union movement , a new forward , a new beginning to join once again the fruits of our labour with partnership with other unions and the Labour Party which was what we all need , but it must be done with careful planning and the brains at the top of the union must be telling the of the union , the members on the shop floor , the right direction in which to walk .
26 This must not be taken too far and it must be done with thought for the project leader 's attitudes .
27 It must be done at the time .
28 If so , it must be done within five days of receiving the notification .
29 If they could not be enlightened by persuasion it must be done by force .
30 It must be done in such a way that the released energy helps to form a phosphate bond .
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