Example sentences of "it [verb] quite [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 It became quite clear that the less immediately obvious tendency to back /a/ , which had also been observed , was a much more regular process and was associated with young ( chiefly male ) speakers .
2 To everyone else at the meeting it seemed quite certain that MacDonald intended to resign and SB returned from it convinced that he would have to form a government . "
3 The following morning , a peerless sunny Sunday , incredibly the larks were singing on the Mort Homme and it seemed quite impossible that there could be an attack that day Suddenly , a single shell landed , and the tornado descended .
4 When claims were originally made concerning a cluster at Seascale it seemed quite possible that this was the explanation .
5 There was an element of criticism there of which I was informed by the Chief Whip and the Lord Chancellor , just as there was an element of criticism of Hailsham , and it seemed quite possible that the Whips would prefer a compromise candidate .
6 To every one else at the meeting it seemed quite clear that MacDonald intended to resign , and S.B. returned front it convinced that he would have to form a Government .
7 Emile Al-Uzaizi , the deputy leader of the council 's Conservative opposition group and a social services committee member , said it seemed quite incredible that the mother could call her neighbour and still not return home .
8 It seems quite definite that the stars in a cluster have a common origin , and have remained as a group — though the gravitational pulls of non-cluster stars will be disruptive ; eventually the cluster will lose its separate identity and will be dispersed , though the process is bound to take hundreds of millions of years at least .
9 Yet it seems quite certain that our direct ancestors were walking around on two feet with an upright posture like our own at least four million years ago and no creature in the non-human line of descent seems ever to have done that .
10 Since it seems quite apparent that social decisions are likely to involve many dimensions ( e.g. , multiple expenditure programmes , different parameters of the tax system ) , this is an important result .
11 The approach of the police to the investigation of rape cases has been subject to much criticism — and then to considerable improvement — and it seems quite possible that these improvements , together with the advent of rape-crisis centres and victim-support facilities , have led more women to report rapes than did so formerly .
12 It has been particularly effective in providing a secure home base for families that have been physically scattered by emigration and it seems quite possible that small-scale farming of this kind may enjoy a new vogue , with the greater appreciation of self-provisioning , especially for fuel , to say nothing of the scenic beauty of the places where it is carried on .
13 ‘ On the other hand , it seems quite possible that someone could have joined your husband in the cab , in the course of the journey — perhaps with your husband 's consent .
14 Where sexual intercourse takes place before the barrel of a gun , it seems quite appropriate that it should be up to the defence to discharge an evidential burden with respect to consent .
15 We as magistrates do try and be consistent in our sentencing er throughout the country , I think it 's beholden on the police to be consistent in their approach to offenders , as well , and it seems quite wrong that someone in Folkestone gets away with doing something with a guy in Wigan er goes before the court .
16 In future it seems quite likely that there may be pressure from the Training Commission for a test or certificate of attainment specifically for those working on the TVEI , and that certificate might overlap with the Certificate of Pre-vocational Education .
17 It seems quite likely that lack of management diligence , in the form of lethargy or a preference for a ‘ quiet life ’ , and leading , for example , to failure to adapt to new trading environments or to technological change , is the most serious source of avoidable damage to company profitability .
18 I must say , it seems quite clear that he intended to kill the DO .
19 It seems quite bizarre that people who play other people 's records for a living can reach these dizzy heights of stardom .
20 But now , when even quite modest châteaux start at over £10 a bottle , with duty , shipping and VAT still to pay , it seems quite obvious that the main beneficiaries from this system are the château-proprietors themselves .
21 Now it looked quite possible that she would n't need the services of an agency after all — that was , if Luke Travis offered her the job , and if she decided to accept .
22 The disorder that had seemed to him for decades to determine the course of events regrouped itself like a pile of iron filings suddenly organized by a magnet , and he had a flash of optimism when it appeared quite possible that men in the days to come might wish to find out more than concerned them at the moment .
23 I 'm not very sure it 's prudent if you 're indicating your own incorruptibility as a poet to put it in the future tense in the first place , and when you continue as Pope does ‘ Envy must own , I live among the great ’ as he starts to describe his own life and you realise he 's bringing in touches about himself which really have very little to do with the particular role as poet , it becomes quite clear that that depersonalisation process has not taken place in the case of Pope .
24 Considering that there ate 168 hours in each week , it becomes quite obvious that it is unlikely that staffing rosters could be arranged which would permit the employment of full-time staff only .
25 Once that is recognized it becomes quite obvious that the concept of man as a mythical universal being , born free and equal , which is today so popular among intellectuals and slogan-spouting politicians in all parts of the world is not shared by humanity at large .
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