Example sentences of "it [verb] n't have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It did n't have to stop there for re-fuelling — it had enough to land elsewhere . ’
2 Hell , it did n't even have to do anything ; it did n't have to act on prayers or have us singled out as a special species , or play any part in our history and development ; it did n't even necessarily have to have created us , or created anything , all it had to do was exist and have existed and go on existing , to record , to encompass .
3 He wished it did n't have to end this way .
4 It does n't have to take a long time , it 's up to us here and now .
5 It does n't have to happen but it is a disease which is n't noticed until too late .
6 It does n't have to happen , ’ she said , her voice almost as stubborn as his could be at times .
7 It does n't have to stop at Easter .
8 Most of you suffer from it , but it does n't have to ruin your life .
9 ‘ Because of the financial strength of the company ’ , Hobor said , ‘ it does n't have to constrain itself during a downturn — in fact its philosophy has always been the opposite : when you 're in a downturn , that is when you should be investing in plant and equipment ’ .
10 It does n't have to sound confrontational ; contrast ‘ I do n't understand what you 're talking about ’ ( sub-text : ‘ you are inept at talking ’ ) with ‘ I 'm sorry I 'm so dim [ mock disclosure — and quite appropriate in my opinion , given the indirect nature of conversation ] , but could you explain that to me again in plain English ? ’ ( sub-text : ‘ I 'm not understanding you , so can you say it differently ? ’ )
11 The computer can do more work faster than a human because it does n't have to answer the phone .
12 Cos it does n't have to use it .
13 Many people suffer from this , and it does n't have to mean that they will eventually become much worse .
14 It does n't have to mean you run around with your collar up and a coat over your head .
15 Hair which is more than 50% grey needs permanent colour , but it does n't have to look unnatural : some stylists will combine lowlights with permanent tint to give a more textured look , rather than a block colour .
16 My first reply to that is : ‘ It does n't have to come right .
17 And , because its aristocratic bloodline is implicit , it does n't have to shout or pretend : the Blower Bentley is all studied understatement and coolness of brow .
18 SCO says it does n't have to make a decision about the kernel technology route — OSF/1 or Unix SVR4 — for Open Desktop until later this year , as it wo n't be making any significant kernel changes to the operating system bundle until late 1993 or early 1994 .
19 Talus , the little Texas company with the order for 2,500 NeXT workstations from Russian president Boris Yeltsin ( UX No 381 ) , says the way the order 's written it does n't have to provide NeXT machines , merely computers running NeXTStep : it estimates the value of the order at $25m , but not in cold cash .
20 it does n't have to rhyme , but it should contain an interesting list of things — Shel Silverstein 's poem does .
21 Despite a liberal peppering of designer labels — like Ghost and Helen Storey as well as her own Pat Young label — in her wardrobe , Pat insists it does n't have to cost the earth to look good .
22 there was a big discussion about the standard report , it wo n't cover five years and I said it does n't have to cover five years , it never has done it 's only covered four cos we what we do in year eleven is different anyway .
23 It does n't have to stand in line behind anything else .
24 It does n't have to have the polish of a broadcast programme if it is not going to be broadcast .
25 Because it reproduces inside another cell in this parasitic way , erm , it does n't have to find a mate or even bother to split in half to reproduce by asexual means .
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