Example sentences of "it [verb] for [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 And it also managed to chip some of the woodwork , curious to think that I was offered as war damage compensation five pounds to re-case the piano , you could n't of had it repolished for five pounds , but thinking was working class people should n't have pianos , I 'm certain that was at the back of , of the gentleman whose job it was to evaluate war damage , he certainly raised his eyebrows every time we told him , what either a piece of furniture or crockery or cutlery which had been destroyed had cost and he was so foolish after er the house had been almost flattened as de demand bills as proof of evidence that your figures were correct
2 A proposal for the reform of the Italian railway network advocated the dismissal of the board if it failed for two years running to achieve performance targets ( Santoro 1985 ) , and the Spanish Socialist government has similarly toyed with the idea of sacking unsuccessful chairmen ( Tamames 1983 : 371 ) .
3 It loops for two miles through the city , lined with splendid palaces dating from the 14th century .
4 It 's a help , but not a complete solution to the problem because once chlorine has been released in the stratosphere , it persists for many years and goes on destroying ozone .
5 In summary then , the reasons for choosing The Machine Gunners include the opportunities it offers for various aspects of personal involvement on the part of the reader and its curricular potentials with regard to related topic , theme , and language work .
6 IF the sophisticated modern diesel engine now makes economic sense for small cars , the savings it offers for bigger cars are more worthwhile .
7 The Report itself is , as it says , largely a description of the present situation ; its value is therefore the opportunity it offers for new proposals to come forward .
8 He 'd kept it hidden for fifty years .
9 It provided for 532 flats and maisonettes in eleven storey and four storey blocks .
10 It provided for total investments of Epounds 14,500 million , of which Epounds 9,600 million would be allocated to the public sector and the balance to the private sector .
11 There was another feature of the legislation , in that it provided for new ways of involving the public in plan preparation .
12 Were Lascars and Chinamen to benefit from the improvements in food , accommodation , repatriation etc. which it provided for British seamen ?
13 By 1820 , it was owned and worked by Robert Wight , who continued to manufacture cloth there , the mill becoming known as Wights Mill , a name that it retained for many years .
14 Purchased by the Association in May 1989 , extensive alterations were necessary to convert it to provide for eight residents , the first of whom arrived in September 1990 .
15 Infected programmes activate the virus when started up and it looks for other programmes to infect .
16 Fault-tolerant Unix specialist Sequoia Systems Inc is sinking deeper into the mire and has had to fire 60 people in all parts of the company to cut cost while it looks for new funds to finance its operations .
17 It looks for formal arrangements such as size and frequency of union conventions or conferences , selection and voting methods for the union executives and the existence of intermediate union governing bodies , that is , the devices which can facilitate , when full advantage is taken of them , the development of power bases independent of union leaders .
18 But within this context , Wilkins ' elegant stuccoed facades will be retained , and an important landmark has been saved and will look far more handsome and dignified than it has for many years .
19 But , in spite of the considerable effort and investment , it has for many years failed to pay its way .
20 It has for many years been the most widely used method of social research .
21 While much of the UK is looking gloomily at the dark clouds of a major recession , it seems poetic justice that for at least some of Belfast 's population , the future looks better than it has for many years .
22 I have argued with my district health authority for many years I know that many hon. Members have done the same with theirs — because it has for various reasons shifted the problem of elderly sick people to the private sector .
23 The outcome of these changes is that the drug bill is rising faster than it has for some years and above the rate of inflation .
24 It has for some years been established beyond doubt that Elisabeth used her long period as custodian of her brother 's works and papers ( during which time she wrote and rewrote his biography , as well as overseeing the editing of his works ) to misrepresent important aspects of his life and thought and , in extreme cases , to falsify letters and unpublished writings .
25 What hope there is resides primarily in the same section of the news-stands as it has for several years — the ‘ serious ’ and ‘ specialist ’ music press .
26 If so , the fact that a dependence thesis is true of theoretical authorities is strong evidence to suppose that it holds for practical authorities as well .
27 Leave it to stand for 10 minutes and then shape into 8 or 10 burgers .
28 And when it 's pressed out of the grapes , the juice comes out , they allow it to stand for five days and then they put it into bottles .
29 IF you only need lemon or orange juice in a recipe and not the rind , pour boiling water over the fruit and leave it to stand for 5 minutes to release the maximum amount of juice .
30 If you have put mud in the aquarium , leave it to stand for several hours , or perhaps overnight , for this to settle .
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