Example sentences of "it [verb] out [conj] she " in BNC.

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1 But on closer investigation it turns out that she has trained herself only to like healthy food .
2 If it turns out that she is not like her husband linguistically , the difference is not treated like the difference between miners and public schoolboys .
3 It turns out that she has no real feelings for anyone except herself , not even her daughter who is burdened by the name Julia , and she likes to play with people 's emotions , such as Mr. Slope .
4 And , my God , they would certainly succeed if it came out that she was Postlethwaite 's niece .
5 It came out and she said you know she very the way she treats you
6 After 2 weeks , she reported back there had n't been any improvement but it turned out that she had bought herself some Arg Nit tablets as she did n't like the taste of the alcoholic water the LM was made up in !
7 It turned out that she had gone for a hill walk on her own with an agreed pick up point by him in the car .
8 It turned out that she was a freelance editor for OUP , with a daughter in her early teens and a seven-year-old son for whom she had been caring single-handedly since her husband 's untimely death .
9 It turned out that she had had palpitations in the past but had forgotten about them .
10 It turned out that she and her husband were experts on reincarnation and ran a sort of reincarnation centre in Switzerland and she had been an Egyptian princess — before , you know — and written books about it .
11 It turned out that she did n't realise they were down , but thinks she must have pushed them into that position when dropping the ribber .
12 For it turned out that she felt protective towards the actor George Felix and preferred to keep their encounter private .
13 It turned out that she needed it .
14 She was in fact very thin but had this huge wire frame around her ’ It turned out that she 'd been coming in a couple of times a week , stealing hundreds of pounds worth of clothes , hanging them on her frame then walking out .
15 It turned out that she lived in some place called Romford and as she was due to take me back there the day after the funeral I had only been left with a few hours to make a decision .
16 We were all set to be impressed , but when we entered the room , it turned out that she was a tiny-little lady with grinning peasant features and the usual pudding-basin haircut .
17 It worked out as she hoped ; Tommaso was hanging about outside in the square with a group of other young men , smoking and strolling around to join the girls drawing the evening water at the fountain ; he came near her ; to her surprise , she saw he was n't smiling , not like the others , who were laughing and exchanging remarks , between themselves , grinning strenuously as they play-acted contempt for the young women they wooed .
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