Example sentences of "it [verb] [adv] [conj] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 It looks sadly as though only too much of England — or shall we say the English populace — is what it seems .
2 It looks almost as though it might be a fire . ’
3 they say that ad , it pays to advertise I mean , to me advertising has never done anything for me well I do n't think it has anyway but if it pays to advertise and look at the number of people that read the Express
4 We had it organised so that when people contacted us in the first instance , we gave them a menu of mods that we would do , depending on what the customer wanted .
5 You 've got to give them a very specific task to do and give them the support and the materials to do it with and make sure it happens so that when they turn up at 3 o ’ clock , it 's set up to go .
6 It rained continually and when the Princess was photographed leaving the castle en route to London the media jumped to the conclusion that she was bored with the Queen 's Highland retreat and wanted to go shopping .
7 As we have seen , Gandhi recognizes that no single religion can embody the whole truth , and that all particular religions contain errors since they are human constructs or formulations , but does it follow necessarily that when he speaks of Religion underlying all human constructs , or at the heart of all religions , he is referring to an ‘ essence ’ of an ‘ entity ’ or a ‘ primordial form ’ of religion after the fashion of Schleiermacher ?
8 It appears therefore that whilst ‘ private ’ homosexual conduct may have been decriminalised , the ‘ public ’ margins came to be increasingly policed .
9 To me it seems now as though all had ended well .
10 It feels almost as though it might stay this way for ever . ’
11 It follows therefore that if the sole member is also a director , he or she can not be the secretary .
12 It follows therefore that if the domain is known , it may be advantageous to eliminate the alternative word senses from a definition so that processing focuses only on those that are relevant to the domain .
13 It follows then that when the student can correctly apply the rule in a variety of situations , she can be said to have learned the rule .
14 It follows then that if the outcomes are poor , or lower than expected , the teacher is at fault , and should be held accountable .
15 It follows then that if a poor vein on a good tribute suddenly improved then the men working it would stand to profit well , though they might expect to find that on the next setting-day , the rate would almost certainly be reduced in the mine 's favour .
16 It means merely that where the trustee was in possession of the property under trust , he could be ordered to make it over .
17 Having said that , as Mr 's pointed out , in fact the new manual if anything er emphasizes the benefits more than it did previously because as you said , previously it required a fifty percent reduction in traffic to register a one decibel change in noise levels which was s perceived to be significant .
18 It implies only that if a control measure is deemed to be practicable ’ then it must be adopted .
19 The language of section 20(1) ( iv ) ( b ) is wide enough to cover larceny by a bailee or part owner and embezzlement ; but it is a matter of dispute whether it does so or whether it is limited to those types of misappropriation , originally not criminal , for which the Act of 1901 was intended to provide .
20 It argues merely that whilst Parliament could pass such laws , it would be unlikely or unpurposeful for it to do so .
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