Example sentences of "it [modal v] have be [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Women it may have been Women 's Institute Guild or something or I du n no .
2 Oh it may have been all-nighters but this
3 James Tyrell had evidently committed himself to the Yorkists by 1471 , when he was knighted at Tewkesbury , and it may have been links with the crown which eased his passage into Gloucester 's service .
4 James Tyrell had evidently committed himself to the Yorkists by 1471 , when he was knighted at Tewkesbury , and it may have been links with the crown which eased his passage into Gloucester 's service .
5 It should have been Bells with the number of ringers who 've been playing ’ .
6 ‘ Then it must have been holiday-makers out for a walk , ’ said Betty .
7 ‘ L ’ ' and the other kids were to find it — it might have been Licorice-straps .
8 That was less than three and a half hours ago , but it might have been years .
9 ‘ If I had n't seen her , it might have been days before …
10 It could have been hours or minutes later that Isabel found herself staring into a dark pit .
11 It was a cold fossil ; the people in it could have been strangers .
12 Slowly he removed the hat and slowly he looked down at it , his vision blurred by alcohol , but for all anyone knew it could have been tears .
13 It could have been nerves or the effects of the Turkish firewater raki from the night before .
14 It could have been vicars and tarts , of course , but I reckon he 's one of those transvestites that hang out up there .
15 He might not even be there and the whole thing would have been for nothing and all he would have got out of it would have been kicks .
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