Example sentences of "it [modal v] n't [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 I think a , that there 's another point that we should all remember and that is that it should n't just be our opinion either , we are sort of told from high certain things
2 Well it should n't just be men , men , you know , it should be women as well .
3 Cos it i it should n't just be your preparation should not just be a one-off hour hour and a half what have you on the Sundays when you come along .
4 To really enjoy your garden it should n't just be a home for plants .
5 Well er to me it does n't matter s er that much , what I 'm concerned about is that this is a matter of public interest , it should n't just be a matter of professional interest and it 's for these reasons I think the government should take a rather more lively interest er than perhaps it does .
6 Not just sales , so it should n't just be the appointments in your diary , and a lot of you will not used to be keeping a diary as well .
7 So even when we buy Traidcraft , unless it is cheaper than it was ten years ago , it should n't really be , should it ?
8 Because , going back to the point earlier on , erm , when I was taught I say , it was a local nurse from th er , the clinic that taught us I mean I 've nothi , nothing against elder women in their fifties and whatever , but I mean , there again , one , it should n't always be females who teach about sex , it should be males , and it should be younger people to relate
9 Throughout this gargantuan meal the talk was almost entirely concentrated on food , on remembering other great meals , or discussing the quality of the ham and the other salumi : ‘ It must n't just be pink ; it must n't be too fat , and it should be cut so thin that you can almost see the church tower through it . ’
10 But it must n't just be left to the activists to recruit .
11 It was definitely Luke 's handwriting , and it could n't even be that he had sent the flowers to the wrong address .
12 But no , it could n't altogether be forgotten .
13 Now she began to wonder about that ; it could n't simply be because she 'd disliked him , since she 'd disliked clients before , but that had n't prevented her from giving them the same professional treatment she gave to everyone .
14 Conscience gave her an uncomfortable nip , for it could n't exactly be said to be the height of honour for her to accept his invitation to dine in his home in the guise of a journalist when she was n't one , but Fabia went and studied her wardrobe .
15 They were very much caught up in the opinion that if they were an indie band , it could n't possibly be worth a major record company taking them seriously .
16 The English delegation objected violently to this poster , saying it could n't possibly be distributed , especially in the UK .
17 It could n't possibly be true .
18 So enormous it could n't possibly be true -could it ?
19 It could n't possibly be … a frisson of relief as I realised it was crème fraiche and not you know what .
20 And from the sudden change in her inquisitor 's manner , she realised that it could n't possibly be .
21 She chewed on it and thought that it could n't possibly be as rubbery as it seemed .
22 Of course , old Meg is not to be relied upon at all , owing to her unfortunate fondness for the bottle , and when I heard that she was the source of the story I said that it could n't possibly be the case , that she did n't know what she had seen , as usual — ’
23 I began to feel that it could n't possibly be encroaching on a Monday afternoon and that Emily and I had an office to go back to .
24 It could n't possibly be the same , now he 's come .
25 Darling , it could n't possibly be ! ’
26 It would have been lovely , but it could n't really be one of us , could it ?
27 It could n't really be because of a home movie , could it ?
28 It could n't really be him .
29 It could n't still be bothering him . ’
30 It need n't even be in this office . ’
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