Example sentences of "it [modal v] now be see " in BNC.

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1 This was tempting a different breed into the job — it could now be seen as a rewarding all-year-round career .
2 It will now be seen that the escarpment is the abrupt end of a large plateau culminating in Wild Boar Fell .
3 This , it will now be seen , can be justified not only by necessary limitations of space , but by the advantage that can be gained in many respects from sacrificing generality in favour of contextual particularity .
4 It can now be seen that these pieces of equipment constitute a basic gym around which routines for both beginners and advanced trainers can be structured .
5 The Medway Letter Line was meant to include ‘ unknown ’ floods , as well as recorded ones , and as information on flooding has become more sophisticated , it can now be seen to have overstated the benefit area by attempting to be on the safe side .
6 It can now be seen as a deliberate political reaction to the earlier building , and it is even recorded that on its completion in 537 Justinian promised God that he himself had ‘ vanquished Solomon . ’
7 It can now be seen that the sum of constant capital used up in the two departments during the production cycle is less than the total means of production produced by Dept .
8 It can now be seen that the argument from pleasure draws its imperative conclusions , not directly from psychological fact , but from psychological fact combined with the imperative ‘ Be aware ’ .
9 It went ahead later on such a scale and at such a pace that it can now be seen as one of the most important facts of modem history .
10 It can now be seen why staggered flocks are the essence to maintaining your customers , by supplying them with the grade of eggs they require .
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