Example sentences of "it [modal v] [prep] be the " in BNC.

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1 It ought to be the easiest thing in the world . ’
2 The road continued past the cottages so there must be something down there and it ought to be the common itself .
3 I suppose to be technical it ought to be the er it ought to be referred to as the Franco- German war .
4 When opened it played the chorus of ‘ Spread a Little Happiness ’ , although the book stipulated it ought to be the ‘ Wedding March ’ .
5 I was stiff and he was supple , and it ought to be the other way round .
6 I do n't know whether it ought to be the Foreign Office , the Home Office or the Ministry of Defence . ’
7 Oh , dear he 's been dead , ten it must of been the ten , this is eighty two , seventy two , about sixty five I should think about sixty five
8 I am Mrs who 's sort of the secretary and books , does the booking for the hall , he could n't get that , anyway it occurred to me afterwards it must of been the grandmother of that girl that bought the erm , cos he kept on talking a Michelle and that 's the girl that bought our suite and I reckon it 's her child 's birthday party , she said erm you know my , you know my son-in-law , I said do I ?
9 It was better than the other one , it might of been the seats but I do n't think so because I mean there was so much in this one
10 It used to be the case that contestants who were struck lightly in the face could exaggerate injury in order to have the opponent 's score disallowed .
11 It used to be the normal practice to adapt buildings for different purposes over their lives .
12 IT USED to be the east Prussian city of Königsberg , where the philosopher Immanuel Kant worked and died .
13 The price for the first seems high and for the second low for a house with six acres and a lodge , but it used to be the headquarters of British Coal 's opencast mining subsidiary , which can not have done it any good .
14 It is a large breed and , known as the Big Red , it used to be the biggest breed in Britain .
15 It used to be the girls ’ parade .
16 It used to be the case that one had to find a property that one wanted to buy first and then apply for a mortgage , but some organisations will now provide a mortgage guarantee document , that is to say an assurance of the amount of money they will lend you , before you start looking for a property .
17 It used to be the custom that the issue of the writ should be moved by chief whip of the party in the House of Commons a member of which had held the seat prior to its vacation , but this practice was occasionally the subject of abuse by the moving party being reluctant , by reason of its unpopularity in the country and consequent fear of being humiliated in a poll , Constituents in one instance were left unrepresented for over nine months .
18 THE name of the current month shows in its Latin origins that it used to be the 10th month of the year , not the 12th .
19 It used to be the case that games written for an 8086 processor were unplayable on a 286 machine , so developers included special code in their programs which would slow the game down to make sure that , as far as possible , the game played at the same speed on every class of machine .
20 It used to be the law that orders for certiorari and prohibition were available only against decision-makers who had a duty to act judicially .
21 Well not very much unless you made it yourself , you know , if you were , the factories used to have their own erm dances and the Embers , it used to be the Embers then , that 's the place in the Stow , they had danci , yes , they had dancing there and they put on competitions for different things and my son , with lots of others er , did erm a rock and roll thing which needed thirty six hours .
22 Or it used to be the George .
23 Well it used to be the Victoria Station in them days then before it come Victoria Centre .
24 For example , it used to be the time when farmers asked for their crops to be blessed for the coming year .
25 It used to be the case that a successful president would choose some of his Cabinet members from his party 's ranks in Congress ; this still happens , but relatively infrequently .
26 Well it used to be the Stenness Loch was very good till they built the barriers .
27 It used to be the twenty first of October .
28 It used to be the basis of the whole heavy organic chemical industry , and might be again .
29 You think that 's especially true and like say Aberdeen if you go in a shop there and and , at least it used to be the case , and asked for something you be thought you were speaking fine but they would just say , Oh my you down from Orkney for a holiday ?
30 It used to be the Smith boot that did most of the scoring from penalties and conversions , but against Newport his handling was superb .
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