Example sentences of "it [modal v] [verb] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It may shorten her life by a day , ’ said Abul Ismail .
2 If the problem persists it may cloud her attitude to school .
3 It may save her life ! ’
4 She knew it must hurt her mother thinking that her only daughter was living with a man , a man , moreover , that she did n't like .
5 Clare 's divorce petition would not be heard until July ; she had been warned by her solicitor not to be seen alone with a man right now , or it might affect her petition and the custody of her son .
6 She dismissed the taxi at the corner of Dorchester Terrace , thinking that the sight of it might alarm her sister .
7 She 'll swallow that down nice and gently and it 'll coat her tummy and it will gradually work its way through into the bowel and quieten them down as well .
8 It 'll help her sleep .
9 It could do her harm .
10 It 'd serve her right ! ’
11 You see , I could do any sum in my head that Rebecca Salmon had to write out in longhand ; it used to drive her potty .
12 Something which could interest her without being thought so eccentric or so socially damaging that it would upset her mother .
13 It would explain her panic , her anxiety .
14 It would break her mood to lift her .
15 It would break her heart .
16 It would break her heart to leave the lovely old stone barn in Buckinghamshire .
17 It would break her heart to have to go away , even to be wife to a king .
18 She said that if Constanza went it would break her heart .
19 Maybe it would change her mind about the great Prince Sabatini , maybe she 'd ask her papa to marry her off to someone who believed in a woman 's right to decency and respect .
20 I never did , but when it came up for auction , it just seemed like it would make her smile , and the money was going to a good cause , too .
21 If we printed details of the case it would make her identity too plain to the authorities but suffice it to say that she was detained with some others for celebrating a ‘ banned person ’ — Nelson Mandela .
22 Emily smiled , she knew instinctively that here was a man who thought of women as merely creatures of decoration and , if it would serve her purpose , it was a view she would exploit to the full .
23 It would serve her right .
24 If a slab of stone fell on her head now and flattened her , it would serve her right for prying , she thought wryly , as the door opened slowly and reluctantly with a grudging squeal of rusty hinges .
25 But before Ruth could settle down to sleep again it returned , only this time much sharper , as if it would split her body in two .
26 Licences are needed for other types of brokerage and she argues that it would give her business respectability .
27 It would give her time to explore and investigate and she would have to pick her time carefully because she had the feeling that Felipe de Santis would be keeping them well in his sight and strictly under his thumb .
28 Still , it would give her time to discuss the subject over a sandwich with Joanna .
29 She signed it because her husband pressed her to do so and told her he was being pressed by Campbell , and because she believed that if she would sign it … it would enable her husband to settle the beer contract . …
30 Common sense told her that by immersing herself in work the memory of the last months would recede , and with it would go her bitterness and sense of loss .
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