Example sentences of "it [be] still [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Despite being scheduled for late September , it 's still delayed as the label rushes to press enough copies to send it soaring up the charts on the heels of MUDHONEY 's pre-posthumous release .
2 Despite being scheduled for late September , it 's still delayed as the label rushes to press enough copies to send it soaring up the charts on the heels of MUDHONEY 's pre-posthumous release .
3 I still , I s it 's still swollen and I still have n't got my full grip , I 'm seeing the surgeon again today
4 The trouble is that some of it 's still attached and so it 's going start erm bu butting again , growing .
5 It 's er it 's still running but that 's it .
6 But it 's still considered that Balcerowicz 's reforms have been a success .
7 It 's still working but only with loads of distortion and then the output is quiet and acoustic , instead of loud and gutsy .
8 Measures underway to effect this are ; increased substitution of gas for oil in industrial complexes and combined heat and power ( CHP ) schemes , but it is still reckoned that the USSR is a million miles behind the West in terms of energy efficiency .
9 In India , it is still believed that certain people are able to assume the shape of a manticore , which then circles villages looking for human prey .
10 It is still assumed that it is the woman who will give up work to look after the children or take time off if they are sick , she admits .
11 It is still disputed where exactly the dome based upon pendentives originated , but its adoption for use in Christian churches is now accepted as being from eastern influence not , as was originally thought , from Imperial Rome .
12 Jean Jacques Rousseau published his theory of education , Émile , in 1762 and — although Voltaire ( Morrish , p.85 ) dismissed it as a ‘ hodge podge of silly wet nurse in four parts ’ — it is still read and still has influence today .
13 It appears as the instrumental introduction ( and two instrumental interludes ) , it comes four times in each of the two choruses , and it is still going when the song fades out .
14 But it is still found that entry qualifications for the bureaucracy are disproportionately obtained by the children of skilled and professional groups , not workers and peasants , so the emergence of a new kind of bourgeoisie seems inevitable ( Barnett 1967 ) .
15 In New Zealand it is still milked but is mainly used as a suckler for early-maturing calves , or as a terminal sire for easy calving in dairy herds , whereas in Australia it competes successfully in steer competitions , especially for home-frozen beef .
16 Fish is very popular and it is still preserved and smoked by traditional methods .
17 The Gansleit was built recently in a very attractive Tyrolean style ; it is still owned and managed by the Krall family and has a welcoming atmosphere .
18 And , unlike most other famous US instrument firms that were around 25 years ago , it is still owned and run by its founder .
19 And , unlike most other famous US instrument firms that were around 25 years ago , it is still owned and run by its founder .
20 The agreement for their sale to Cohens was dated 12 October 1935 , and must have been signed while it was still hoped that the line would open right through from Sutton to the Crystal Palace in one operation .
21 At that time it was still believed that Mercury did keep the same face to the Sun , and therefore this temperature was used to support the idea that Mercury had an atmosphere , because such an atmosphere would transport heat around from the Sun-facing side , thus raising the night-side temperature .
22 Indeed it was still argued that determined efforts should be made towards monetary union so that eventually a common currency could be issued by a European central bank .
23 It was still raining but less heavily .
24 It was still raining and a strong wind was blowing .
25 However , it was still felt that a comparison between action and control samples might be interesting , merely to see whether there was any clear difference between the two samples over the six month period .
26 It was still taken as self-evident in even the most up-to-date fiction that being in love normally had only one outcome , marriage .
27 It was still implied that , without him , there was a danger that the political disorder of the past might return , but the emphasis would , henceforth , be much more on what people stood to lose in material terms if the system which provided those benefits were substantially changed .
28 In due course it was bred a little shorter in the leg , with finer bone and a better udder , though it was still disparaged as being rather ungainly and plain .
29 But er we got out eventually , and they managed to get a road through to us , and but er And er I remember another time where a bank came in and they were one man trapped in the far end and there were another man trapped on this end and my brother and me we we dug round to him , we got to him , we got him bared so far and what To his waist , and it was still bitting and we got hold of his belt , right , ready ?
30 It was still recording when the Doctor walked into the lab on Moloch .
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