Example sentences of "it [be] [adv] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's simply that on even the sunniest days you are unlikely to meet other walkers in the sorts of numbers typical elsewhere .
2 It 's just that at the time it all seemed so beautiful and important , it was like some kind of historical event .
3 No , I did n't mean that , it 's just that on the telly you look so … so … ’
4 It 's just that after four long , very long , years , a little light seems at last to be discernible through the gloom .
5 It 's just that until now , their efforts have been pretty much restricted to the dreary business of pointing out female ‘ sexism ’ .
6 It 's just that in life we believe in doing what you want to do .
7 It 's just that in these times … ’
8 It is simply that at one time the ooze covering the sea floor contained shells of animals — and before that did not .
9 It is right that in the negotiations , which must remain confidential , they should seek to prevent us from going too far too soon .
10 It is just that in that particular situation he had to act as he did , and to have acted differently would have meant that he would have been in the wrong though not for the same reason .
11 It is just that in Scotland it is far more obvious . ’
12 It is just that after much brainwork in Rome I have thought to give myself a little holiday on this famous Capri Island . ’
13 If God had so wished , he most certainly could have created duplicate worlds ; it is only that in so doing God would have acted without a sufficient reason , and this would be contrary to his nature .
14 It is only that by doing so , the accounts are reflecting the economic reality more closely .
15 It was here that in 1846 a revised version of Catherine 's largely unsuccessful Charter to the Towns ( 1785 ) created the first urban institutions capable of significantly improving local amenities .
16 It was just that at Summerhill the ‘ kids ’ knew what to do with it .
17 It was just that at the moment of climax when the escape had to be attempted or abandoned , it became if attempted something quite different from what it had been in the planning .
18 It was just that in camp the link between sex and behaviour was often cruder and more obvious than in ordinary life .
19 It was just that in the intervening period she had changed her thinking a little .
20 It was just that in the end would have been so far the other side of six weeks as to be out of sight , and she could n't stand any more writs , summonses or legal documents in long brown envelopes .
21 It was just that after a weekend of weeping over Cameron , and two absolutely hectic days at the office with Helena now also down with chicken-pox , she felt like a bit of glamour .
22 It was then that with Nicky Fairbairn , Meehan 's solicitors ( including the latest , David Burnside ) and an MP Frank McElhone , I formed the Patrick Meehan Committee , committed to campaigning on his behalf until justice was done .
23 it was there that in 1973 the first taekwondo world championships took place .
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