Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 These observations suggest that the peak β cell mass may be determined early in life , even during gestation , and the factors that influence it are likely to be important in the development of diabetes .
2 But substitute something like modern art , or even more so religion , and the repercussions of positive or negative statements on the people who do it are likely to be considerably greater .
3 ‘ Would n't it be terrible to be bad ? ’ he says to her right hip .
4 Oh absolutely marvellous we watched the house go up brick by brick , you know , we , we used to come down here and think oh my goodness wo n't it be marvellous to be able to run some water and have a bath in the normal way you know cos we do n't , we 'd both always had electricity and baths and everything else until this happened and erm , we er , oh it was wonderful , really wonderful absolutely marvellous
5 Would n't it be lovely to be rich ?
6 you know I always said would n't it be lovely to be thin and I said thank God
7 If it were possible to be clear about what power or general role the House should have , the relations between MPs and the executive could be adjusted accordingly .
8 The decision should be made in the first instance as if it were easy to be made .
9 This , this foal should of been worth , it were due to be worth two hundred and fifty thousand that 's what she said
10 In fact , one would expect a public authority always to be inclined to search for a way to reach the same decision legally the second time round , if only to save face ; and the incentive to do so would be even greater if it were likely to be required to pay damages should it decide that its earlier loss-causing decision ought to be changed .
11 It 's young to be doing it .
12 It involves beliefs such as ‘ There is n't enough to go round ’ , ‘ I never have enough money ’ , ‘ Money does n't grow on trees ’ , ‘ You have to work hard for what you want ’ , ‘ If I have more , others have less ’ , ‘ Better save for a rainy day ’ and ‘ It 's immoral to be rich when so many people are starving and homeless . ’
13 It 's old and dirty , and I think it 's due to be condemned in ten years ’ time . ’
14 It 's due to be broadcast on
15 ‘ It seems a firm of accountants hired it as temporary accommodation while their offices were being refurbished and it 's due to be removed .
16 It 's due to be heard at the town 's magistrates court later this week .
17 I , I mean if , we know how much is outstanding on each one , we know when it 's due to be paid , we know it 's gon na be about eight hundred policies a section , is it , ten thousand ?
18 I think it 's wrong to underestimate erm i i it 's particularly initially , how , how positively reinforced it can , it can be around you erm , just this the idea of losing weight and that er you know , people will be wha , for whatever reasons are , either envious or they want to know how you can do it , they want to know , and particularly if it 's linked with exercise then it 's all very good things to do and you know , the media 's telling you and a , everyone 's telling that this healthy lifestyle that actually then goes out of control through being so controlled erm e e , there 's a , well there 's a thin line between it , being a very positive experience , and you 're suddenly buying smaller jeans and erm you know , it 's just everything is is feeding , if that 's the right word , this idea that it , that that it 's tremendous to be
19 It 's awful to be last , is n't it ? ’
20 Let us imagine that they meet and the man begins : ‘ Darling , it 's awful to be apart from you .
21 ‘ Poor baby , it 's awful to be so misunderstood ’ , slammed Germaine Greer in Oz22 .
22 I 've seen out in the street mountive er mounted police charging down rather like the Battle of Balaclava and inside the station problems arising and it 's nasty to be involved and in those days I 've travelled on a Saturday afternoon often .
23 It 's extraordinary to be sitting in the middle and listening to the different sides of the argument .
24 It 's strange to be in Strathspeld , to be in the house and not have seen Mr and Mrs Gould .
25 ‘ You do n't seem to believe that it 's possible to be a rogue and a good man at the same time . ’
26 It 's a continuing theme ; dance is fickle and chews up styles so quickly it 's possible to be last week 's thing when your work is still relevant : ‘ Electro was given a bad name by break-dancing , ’ reckons David .
27 But the good news is , with the aid of these space age products , it 's possible to be prettier than ever before .
28 Sibling rows can be beneficial because they show that it 's possible to be angry with someone you love , but there 's a vital difference between that sort of infighting and the division that favouritism can cause .
29 As it 's possible to be backward compatible but not forward compatible , you ca n't blame the program for being unable to correctly identify a processor introduced after the program was written .
30 It 's possible to be sad about your babies becoming children , and yet accept the fact that you wo n't have any more .
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