Example sentences of "it [be] [prep] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Three hundred and twenty , three fifty three hundred and fifty pounds now , it 's with me still at three fifty , any more ?
2 All done then , it 's with me still at four hundred and fifty pounds against you all in the room .
3 It 's with me then at four hundred pounds and I shall sell at four hundred pounds .
4 The famed croaking is more likely to be heard in such tanks , as it 's at its most audible when males meet and display as a threat to other intruding males — or during the mating season as the male pursues the female .
5 In other words it 's not part of its standard employment allocation but it 's put it in the local plan so that people know , the locals know , that that field over there those fields over there erm are not guaranteed for ever as countryside but on the other hand they 're jolly well not gon na be released unless it 's for something extremely special for which there would be a statement carried through from the structure plan , elaborated on no doubt at local level , which set the rules .
6 It 's for something deeper , something in your blood , that no one can take from you . ’
7 But it 's for me too — I got such a buzz out of seeing the kids ’ faces at that show .
8 I have to be very careful , not for myself only , it 's for everybody else , every other Kuwaiti .
9 I do n't think it 's for you just now Charlotte .
10 It 's for you tomorrow !
11 Why is one of the shirts a different size ? — Because it 's for someone else .
12 once a building has been built and you 've got that in it 's under you then to maintain it .
13 It 's about nobody ever going away but always being just round the corner , waiting to be caught up with .
14 So it 's about one over
15 It 's about something rather disturbing ! ’
16 It 's about what really happened to our roof last night .
17 I 'm glad I told you now … it 's worth it just to see the look on your face . ’
18 Well I do n't think it 's worth it actually .
19 I think perhaps it 's , it 's worth it now .
20 I think it 's worth it though , with its rich brown hue adding warmth without unnatural colour to the tank .
21 Do you think it 's worth it though for what you get out of it , well I mean you obviously do , you like the car do n't you ?
22 And , it used to take Joey such a long time that erm but still , I I must try and get out of that , but the trouble is it 's in me now .
23 It 's against you both , three twenty three fifty at the back three fifty standing at three hundred and fifty pounds standing at three fifty and selling for three hundred and fifty .
24 At seven hundred pounds , seven fifty eight hundred eight hundred , it 's against you now , any more at eight hundred pounds still with me at eight hundred , are you all done at eight hundred pounds ?
25 One hundred pounds and ten , one twenty one twenty , it 's against you now , one thirty , one forty , one fifty , one sixty against you at one sixty , the bid 's with me at one sixty , any more ?
26 Two hundred and twenty , two forty , two sixty , two eighty , three hundred , three twenty , three fifty , three eighty three eighty , it 's against you now , any more at three eighty ?
27 When I do that , it 's like summat inside of me is pulled out and streaks back up the street , under all the lights , right round the corner to where I ca n't see .
28 But it 's like nothing else I 've ever felt before .
29 It 's like something out of a fairy story .
30 It 's like something out of that rubbish they used to put on after Grandstand . ’
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