Example sentences of "it [conj] [vb past] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 Finally , she snatched up the envelope from the table where she 'd left it and carried it to the one window that might , if she were lucky , catch a vagrant breeze from the river a block away .
2 He fumbled and brought out his wallet from an inner pocket , opened It and passed it to her .
3 Harper spend f226 on repairing it and sold it to a finance company .
4 There was a Django Reinhardt tape playing , I know because I recorded it and sold it to Stubbly , and Ken the barman was sitting on a bar stool reading the News of the World .
5 After its discovery in 1873 , the Tongue had found its way into the hands of a treasure-hunter , who had kept quiet about it and sold it to a London dealer , who in turn had sold it to an American collector , who had lent it to an exhibition in Philadelphia in 1922 — which latter appearance had provided the clues , sixty-five years later , for a detective-story-like investigation on the part of Theodore Kemp of the Ashmolean Museum — a man who now lay dead in the mortuary at the Radcliffe Infirmary .
6 With care he lifted it and took it to the mouth of the chamber .
7 He looked round for the phone , found it and took it to the woman , laying it in her lap .
8 Isobel read it and sent me to Professor MacFee — an English Professor — with it , and they both helped me to send it to a publisher in London .
9 I remember I bought about 100 copies of it and sent it to various agents , bookers , and media .
10 Pointing out the value of hat pins , Oliver fielded it and returned it to her with a bow .
11 I turned it and played it to the net , though it did n't come in easily .
12 ‘ There is a letter somewhere , ’ Sister Cooney searched until she found it and handed it to him .
13 At the sink he filled a cup with cold water , drank it down in one gulp , refilled it and handed it to Frankie without comment .
14 He pulled a crumpled letter out of his shirt pocket , opened it and handed it to her to read .
15 He unfolded it and handed it to George .
16 Replacing the wallet , he produced a gold pen , scribbled quickly on the back of it and handed it to Lisa .
17 I finished the joint , lit it and handed it to Carol .
18 He wrote it and handed it to me for this newsletter and I ran out of space .
19 The sweat that had begun in anticipation of what she might encounter in the street now ran in fear of her mother 's rage ; Nunzia 's eyes had gone hard and wrinkled like black olive pips when Rosa had produced the plover , and she had clucked impatiently with her tongue when Rosa lied and said her grandfather had shot it and presented it to her .
20 Aye it was bought it and presented it to the island .
21 Probably when the saying went into general use , people did n't understand it and changed it to cat .
22 He purchased a stamp from the counter clerk , licked it and affixed it to the envelope .
23 She unwound it and gave it to him .
24 He took off his glove , signed it and gave it to the boy .
25 Then one day a visitor called and gave me his card , so I just took it and gave it to the master in the drawing room .
26 He took out the torn fragment with ‘ BORVEL NEM AKT printed on it and showed it to Vic .
27 George Burt acquired it and removed it to Swanage .
28 However , the developer of the Replix software , Dr Hikyu Lee , who had been president of Samsung Software , has picked up the rights to it and moved it to SoftLinks Inc , a new operation he 's starting with ex-Data General man John Doyle as vice president , sales and marketing .
29 However , the developer of the Replix software , Dr Hikyu Lee , who had been president of Samsung Software , has picked up the rights to it and moved it to SoftLinks Inc , a new operation he is starting with ex-Data General Corp staffer John Doyle as vice-president , sales and marketing .
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