Example sentences of "it [conj] [pron] [vb past] the " in BNC.

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1 Of Place In I planted it where you suggested the clause where you suggested tells where I planted it .
2 they , they er , the building society which was the insurance company was n't it that we had the mortgage through ?
3 I also remember leaving about 5 mins before the end to make the 5 mile walk to the station , only to hear the Leeds goal … or was it that I thought the noise was Leeds making it 3–2 ? ? ?
4 But for the framework , she no more feared nor doubted it than she did the position of the stars in the sky .
5 However , I have been given no allowance under the ‘ premises ’ budget head and would prefer it if we asked the Trustees to allocate the requisite funds from our investments .
6 I could n't bear it if we missed the flight . ’
7 I could do it if I had the face and I had the guts I could do it .
8 I would not do it if I had the choice .
9 But players ' agent Leigh Steinberg counters : ‘ You would n't be numb to it if you got the tearful phone calls I get on Sunday nights and Monday mornings .
10 Yes dear I went to erm , er the er holiday camp in October to erm , er with the Red Cross and I went with the , Charlie took me and I went in a car with a friend of mine we went to the Red Cross holiday in Patefield , but it poured of rain every day every day it poured of rain did n't October it was terrible , ever so cold , but we were well looked after you know and I enjoyed it and we had the wheelchairs to go around in on for the dancing , it was really great I thoroughly enjoyed it , I have n't been for two years I had n't , but I went like in October , cos you 're only allowed really every two years to go , that 's all you 're allowed really , but I thoroughly enjoyed it you know , it was nice
11 Because er we tried it and we got the wrong ruddy film !
12 ‘ Chris and I appreciated it and we enjoyed the evening , but I think it 'd be better if we did n't do it again .
13 But er I mean it always er gained there was just a few working with it and they saw the improvement it was making and then everybody for the wild white clover .
14 they , told them they can like it or lump it and they said the miner 's strike , but she still won the election after the miner 's strike which
15 I 'm happy to see that the attitude of the C E C and of the General Secretary has changed radically , I would say , since last year , when it and they opposed the Liverpool motion , which also called for accountability of Labour councillors and M Ps .
16 Father Peter unlocked it and they entered the darkened nave .
17 I do n't wan na be told that somebody and some remote things , like which was mine , and somebody would say , well he saw it and he saw the policeman ah they would come , they 've never catch them !
18 No , he erm , I say with videos that they , they send a video over an Australian thing , this chap 's the other two and one of them had a camera and he went aboard to test pilot it and he took the all around the place round er having flown six five minutes and he paid he tried to things that had gone wrong , whatever it was and erm , he , he , he 's .
19 But Dave do n't like it and he said the room 's too small .
20 I tried the back again , he bladdered it and he bladdered the f front , but says he was just about to go when I opened one eye .
21 It resisted her attempts to remove it and she asked the patient to wait while she asked the doctor to look at it .
22 They bought a lovely white dress for her with little red spots all over it and she opened the wardrobe every day to have a look at it .
23 oh thank you , I do n't think I 'll get that , too much for it and I got the guy I went out to see Lee he came in
24 The whole pudding was meant for two , but we could n't finish it and I took the remainder home .
25 This cured it and I had the carbs tuned to perfection .
26 His fingers closed round it and I felt the emptiness of fear fill solidly with relief .
27 Well no there 's no no mount or anything on that one it 's just as is that was a , the cheapest frame I could do cos I did n't like it when I finished it and I begrudged the price of the frame .
28 I remember Vadim Repin , 14 years old , playing it and I conducted the USSR State Symphony Orchestra , Svetlanov 's orchestra .
29 you know there was I 've got a policy er here that I can take out and you took it and then that was it and you spent the rest of the time talking about this one policy whereas , because you 'd been thinking about that one , there may have been others that you may have been able to disturb her about or erm you know if she had other member of the family or education , whatever , there was , there was other areas that maybe you could 've brought up or gone back to anyway .
30 Then in the June issue reader Roger James says he has used it and it caused the rubber seals to swell and advise we check that rubber seals are compatible with silicon fluid .
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