Example sentences of "it [adv] and [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It just grew and grew — I related to it more and found that the repertoire became more and more slide , so now the set is about 70% slide .
2 I glanced at it quickly and saw that the advertising manager had written to confirm the booking of a double-page spread in the colour supplement for six successive weeks , beginning on the Sunday after the Open Golf Championship .
3 He bent to get a closer look at one drawing that had been fixed lower than the others , as if the teacher had somehow tried to segregate it off and pretend that it was n't part of the display .
4 Eventually Linda gave it up and admitted that Marilyn Duxbody was not present but added , with overtones of hysteria , that she expected her any minute .
5 Cassie picked it up and found that it was silk , with a bodice of handmade lace ; beautiful and expensive .
6 I gobbled it up and pointed that I wanted another .
7 He picks it up and sees that it 's a tiny silver woman , with hair like spun silk and blue eyes like pieces of the sky come down to earth — ;
8 But the London office checked it out and confirmed that the sheer secrecy of the Bedford police gave credence to the story .
9 He thought about it though and decided that he could not live on willpower alone so he went on with his degree then joined a very mundane law practice with poor promotion prospects and a history of doing more ‘ legal aid ’ cases than ones where the client actually paid .
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