Example sentences of "it [adv] [subord] [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 He pulled a small tape-recorder out of his pocket and put it on his lap , switching it on as he did so .
2 And sometimes that means sending a drawing out getting a contractor to price for it rather than him doing it , er using standard books and goodness knows else like Sponds .
3 We made one together , one each in step by step so we showed 'em what to do and then if you were n't sure you asked or if he was n't doing it right so they did it together technical erm situation .
4 you simply read the lists down and across yourself , without first hearing the words , and the LH should only stop you and say it right if you did n't
5 read each item without hearing it first , and have the language helper say the word correctly after you have said it only if you did n't say it right
6 I 'll read it aloud because it does make it I think it makes it stick in your mind more .
7 He does it better than I do . ’
8 And the four week old probably understood it better than I do .
9 Here the consequentialist differs from the non-consequentialist in that some of the latter would stress the importance of people keeping their promises and would consider it better if they did .
10 Find a long jumper that comes well down , and tuck it in so you do n't get a draught over your kidneys .
11 The extension of VAT was ‘ fairly predictable and he is phasing it in so it does not look quite so bad ’ .
12 she must 've been holding it in because she did n't wan na wipe her bum with her hand and then you know it just burst out before she could get to the toilet .
13 We would n't see it coming , we could n't shoot it down when we did and we could n't even chase the fucking thing home after it had hit us .
14 So why not cut it down like they do ?
15 He 'd pull it down if they did .
16 It can take just as much fortitude to go it alone as it does to keep up a public front .
17 Nicole saw it long before I did .
18 You 're not doing it enough till you doing now come on .
19 That is getting away from the old system whereby the County Council held a vast store of advisers in Macclesfield House , stacked up , and schools that needed them requested them and off they went , but schools in fact that wanted perhaps a different sort of advice , was n't able to get it from Macclesfield House , and could n't buy it outside because it did n't have the money to do so .
20 If the sound is played at a different speed , only adjustment of the volume control is necessary to make it sound as it did before .
21 I 'll put it away if you do n't sta behave like that !
22 I 'll put it away when you done with that .
23 Well I think why would you do it tonight if I did n't have it ?
24 ‘ You 'll have to take it easy when you do come out .
25 I know , he might still come in and collect it on Wednesday , but you can just say that you left it home because we do n't have English that day now .
26 She took it from him and sipped at the sweet sherry , reminded by its taste that he bought it specially because she did n't like sweet sherry .
27 We persuaded them we needed it more than they did . ’
28 I joined her , a bit reluctantly — I would have felt awful not joining in , because I needed it more than she did !
29 I guess they needed it more than I did ’ .
30 You seem to need it more than I do . ’
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