Example sentences of "it [adv] [adj] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Ashe , now 49 , grew up in the segregated American South of the 1950's , making it wholly appropriate that he should have become such a dedicated campaigner for equal rights all round the world .
2 It is not surprising that many citizens ‘ banned and cursed her ’ , nor is it wholly surprising that there were some among them prepared to give her money to go on a pilgrimage to the shrine of St James of Compostella in Spain .
3 Is n't it rather terrible that what brings the pricking behind my eyelids is not old Eddy 's death , or even the thought of human mortality in general , but certain strokes of rhetoric — certain alliterations , repetitions , and verbal sonorities which do n't hold any literal meaning for me ?
4 There are certain adjectives or quasi-adjectives which make it rather explicit that they are directed at the relation between the entity of the noun phrase and its description .
5 But all the indirect evidence , including the records of his reading in such writers on generation as Erasmus Darwin , Johannes Müller and Giorgio Gallesio , makes it most probable that he came to pangenesis in such a revision of his 1838 position , and that he did so in the years 1840–1 .
6 She therefore considers it most unfortunate that his statement amounted to an ‘ outburst of Anglo-Saxon parochialism ’ .
7 Forgive me , Commander , if I 'm stating the obvious , but is n't it most likely that someone unknown to him , a tramp , a psychopath , a casual thief , killed both him and this Harry Mack ? ’
8 Surely because he wished to make it abundantly plain that it is Jesus , and Jesus only , who is the man of the Spirit .
9 However , even if the L.G.U. was left wondering if it should n't have kept the public better informed , it must have been greatly heartened by the number of spectators who not only came to this out-of-the-way championship but made it abundantly clear that they were greatly taken with the high standard of play .
10 ‘ You made it abundantly clear that you have one hell of a good social life at home .
11 A ‘ Money Bill ’ for this purpose is any Commons Bill which the Speaker certifies to be such , and the Parliament Acts make it abundantly clear that his certification is final and conclusive and beyond challenge in any other forum .
12 She could hardly descend on Giovanna Sassanta 's house without an appointment , and Anthony had made it abundantly clear that he did not want her to cross the threshold of his hospital .
13 ‘ I have put my Spirit upon him ; he will bring forth justice to the nations ’ says God through the prophet And now the Spirit had come , and Mark 's account of the baptism makes it abundantly clear that he sees Jesus as the Messianic Son and the Suffering Servant , equipped or his … stupendous task with the Spirit of God promised for the end-time .
14 Michele was answering with a brevity that made it abundantly clear that he was disinclined to talk about the sculptor .
15 When I was in South Africa the attorney general of the Transvaal who has brought the charges made it abundantly clear that he was not er going to be influenced by er political issues , and I 'm not surprised that he 's taken the line that he does .
16 The notices make it abundantly clear that anyone being so naughty is breaking the law .
17 Although I am down , I still have my pride and dignity and so I thought it only right that I should remove all the silverware I had brought to the club from the trophy cabinet : my cycling proficiency medal , the Mitchley Majorettes runners-up trophy I nicked from their carnival float , my Winston Churchill commemorative coin and the photograph of Michel Platini and myself talking football outside Broadcasting House whilst both waiting to secure Bruce Forsyth 's autograph .
18 Since I was asking young women to talk freely about a highly personal and intimate area of their lives , I thought it only fair that I should also tell my own story , and set out some of my reasons for my interest in the subject .
19 Wills were normally made shortly before death , as many a shaky signature can testify ; some people left it so late that they could only make an oral statement ( or nuncupative will ) , which was written down and sworn to by witnesses .
20 Now he wondered if he had left it so late that he would arouse the man 's enmity .
21 I joined a flower arranging society thinking ‘ Well I quite like flowers and it 's a good way to meet people ’ , but I found it so boring that I left after three months .
22 Nor is it so regular that we can trust to it altogether to fix the exact date of any given work .
23 Looking back on the elements I have enumerated — of change , internationalism and achievement — I do not find it so surprising that I chose an industrial career , although I knew nothing of all this when I joined ICI .
24 With the last of his strength Aenarion crawled to the altar and drove the blade back into its resting place , embedding it so deep that none could ever draw it forth again .
25 I might 've considered coming into the business if dear Daddy had n't already got Big Brother as a co-director , ready to take over from him , and if he did n't make it so plain that he only tolerates me because I 'm your husband .
26 On this occasion we thought it so important that we invited the bishop to lay hands on the team as they were sent out and began to meet on Sunday mornings , initially in a large sitting room as we searched for suitable premises .
27 Is it so important that we become more than platonic lovers ? ’
28 ‘ Why is it so important that I stay ? ’ she demanded .
29 ‘ It 's not that I 'm reluctant , ’ she denied slowly , ‘ I just find it so incredible that you want to marry me . ’
30 When 16 Mediterranean states signed a similar ‘ framework treaty ’ in 1976 they considered it so insubstantial that they insisted on all parties to the treaty also signing at least one of the more detailed and binding protocols .
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