Example sentences of "it [adv] [conj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 So I 'll have to get it set up ready for when I meet you from school and then we can switch it on as soon as we get home .
2 er if it 's in the hall er we 've got it in our hall and you just plug in and set it on and then if anybody opens a window , the alarm bell goes off .
3 I shook it loosely and quickly and threw the dice .
4 Really I just did n't feel strong enough to take it in as well and do it properly you know .
5 And the thing that sounded like a telephone number — I wrote it down as soon as we got out of the attic — " One-x-nine-two-four " …
6 Fold in the overlapping corners at the top tightly , to secure the cone — you could staple it down as well if you like .
7 And er it 's cast iron of course , with a steel screw and then er big brass balls on the end of this thing and then you would squeeze it down and then if you did it correctly , you took it out and the indelible ink , would have transferred the actually letter including the signature on the flimsy which was then filed in the
8 In all these areas , librarianship has developed a considerable body of constantly re-examined knowledge , a fact duly recognized by ( for example ) the Council for Educational Technology , which turned to it naturally and appropriately as issues developed within its purview .
9 She is therefore able to expel it just as soon as the chance arises .
10 Now it is a sport , and it is a skilled game you know , and I think women can play it just as well as men , or against men and you know , you can have your fans who are very strong for your women 's team tha just as much as the men , but yet , would they also be branded as hooligans because they go along and stand on the terraces and shout for the girls ?
11 If it 's something silly , that they have n't been trained for , but most jobs you can delegate and they 'll do it just as well as you .
12 She thought it would not be possible to talk about this to anyone — my burden and I must bear it , she had believed — but she found herself discussing it easily and naturally and very trustingly with Raynor .
13 We read the , read the agreements differently to what they did but he 'd lean towards the drivers , conductors and he gave away a lot of what had tried to erm stop them from having because they were n't really entitled to it but he saw differently and gave it away and course once you 've given it away you , no way of retracting it , but then came in and , well , I mean he was a real transport man , his , his vision and his ideas were really good and he made it what it is today .
14 Besides , I looked all of it over as soon as I saw it , persuaded the caretaker there to show us around . ’
15 And er I 'd got a key to get in from the works into the office once I was inside , but that was access to the works you know and er I er I en I enjoyed it more or less and I must say the firm , to some extent , looked up to me and I 'd only got to have a damned machine stop , where the girls was working on this machine , and the bobbin shop and all that sort of thing , and I was able to go look er , down and say look here I want this .
16 I must admit I like it more and more and the Commons less and less . ’
17 In fact , however , the second point — the reality of God 's giving himself to be known in Jesus Christ — was always the real focus of his concern , and he came to stress it more and more as the years passed , and as he moved away from what he later said to have been the one-sidedness of his earlier writings .
18 I 'll start it off and then if you do n't mind .
19 No I want to get it off as soon as I can .
20 ‘ I have thought about it once or twice but it seems impossible , ’ said Endill .
21 I am quite sure that British Steel will have considered that and will weigh it up as well as any other possible developments .
22 Oh be quiet and will it pick it up as well if you do that ?
23 And of course then when she had done it they used to fold it up they used to just get it then and go like that you know , and just fold it up and then when it was done all done you see , they 'd take it back to this here lady and then of course they used to pay you for it .
24 Er the copper , the , the hot water boiler we , we had a top on and , and you fill it up and then when the water was hot take it out .
25 First you must fill the tank — a relatively idiot-proof exercise , though you must remember to unscrew it carefully and slowly when replenishing it , since the steam is kept under considerable pressure .
26 think they laid it out as well and
27 Though Sir Derek must ultimately carry management responsibility for the mess ISC has got the company into , it would prove difficult to find someone better to sort it out if only because any newcomer would have to spend so long in getting to grips with the problems .
28 For the first few months I was just having it now and again and then I was having a bit more .
29 They 'd given him some papers , and somebody had gone to the cashier for his money ( it made a nice fat bulge in his hip pocket ; he patted it now and again as he walked , just to make sure it was still there ) and eventually he 'd signed some papers .
30 So why do n't you put an end to it here and now and tell me the truth ?
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