Example sentences of "it [adv] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 It rather appeared to be a slight but inconsistent preference for mucosal IgG1 production also in Crohn 's disease .
2 ‘ A bit , but it mostly seems to be with rats and hedgehogs and seaweed . ’
3 But the fact that an error can be explained , even an unavoidable error , does not mean that it thereby ceases to be an error .
4 Er ploughmen and horsemen were the elite of farm workers and the sons would could only aspire to do what they did and And er eventually I suspect it got to be a little more organized and er they had these little games of of ploughing matches , maybe in a rudimentary farm to begin with , but it eventually came to be as we see it today , over a long period of time .
5 An hour later , the kitchen volunteers go back into action again to finish the Christmas meal for the evening , as it all has to be reheated and served .
6 Approximately £20M of the business margin is invested in this way but , whereas in the past such research was judged by its technical excellence and general relevance to the nuclear programmes , today it all has to be justified in terms of market requirements and the likely return on investment .
7 Exorcising ghosts , no memories , it all has to be cleansed of anything that might remind him , no shadows of personality to be left behind like a coat on a hook , no toothbrush in a glass like a withered flower .
8 It only remains to be seen whether the customers will buy it .
9 I mean I walk around the town and I see a factory or a shop or a house , it only got to be empty about a week and all the windows are smashed .
10 It only seems to be things I know already … .
11 We used to sell it but now it only seems to be Boots — I know it is still popular . ’
12 It only needed to be true enough of the time .
13 And it only needed to be cut once a year .
14 If you 're wanting to take er early retirement and erm you 're wanting enhancement say you retire at fifty nine and you want some enhancement , can you ask for enhancement sort of up to sixty five or has it only got to be up to sixty ?
15 So does it only seem to be
16 It only wants to be played on .
17 Only in the most narrow sense is dramatic experience direct : one way of putting it is that drama is not itself direct , it only appears to be .
18 It only needs to be a couple of shelves but think of all the thrills , spills and adventures you can pack into that space .
19 To capture the ways in which the play points forward , it obviously needs to be set firmly in its period .
20 So really when he well it obviously wants to be in the place where you want it .
21 er one that occurs to me , no , no speaking on it myself , the jury might be interested , sometime I just like to get a feel of what a brochure looks like , not divided as it obviously has to be here , could , could we see a couple sometime , not , not now
22 You and your PP take it in turns to be the ‘ explainer ’ and the ‘ explained to ’ .
23 A person who requests legal advice should be given an opportunity to consult a named solicitor or a duty solicitor [ solicitors in private practice who take it in turns to be available to give advice , particularly overnight and at weekends ] .
24 Similarly , there is nothing intrinsically right about Farmer and Parker 's typology of children affected ; it merely seems to be a revealing distinction .
25 To see that there is a take up of the car contract hire scheme , it constantly has to be held , or kept unde , the scheme has to be kept under review , to make sure that it is attractive and it is what er , the employees want to see , and would prefer rather than an alternate means of transport .
26 Does it necessarily have to be the sharing of bread and wine ?
27 Some of the cognoscenti had recognised why he was wearing the deaf-aid , but for the majority , it just seemed to be part of the character , justified by a couple of new lines .
28 You go for these people and ask for a board and this sort of thing it 's just , it just gets to be demeaning , the practice manager should have , should have
29 But the basic discovery of the Detroit mentality was that a design did not have to be better engineered , more functional or more beautiful than what was already on the market in order to outsell it ; it just had to be newer .
30 It did n't have to be colourless , tasteless or odourless , it just had to be got , somehow or other , past Elinor 's front teeth , down her oesophagus and into her digestive system , even if to do so it should be necessary to hold her down and clamp a funnel between her jaws .
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