Example sentences of "it [adv] [verb] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It duly emerged that the Iraqi incursion amounted to a four-pronged attack , partly in the south near Basrah and partly farther north along the frontier , to the east of Baghdad , in what later evolved into the ‘ central front ’ .
2 This time , things proceeded in a more civilised manner and the arrangements concluded at the imperial conferences were enshrined in the Statute of Westminster 1931 , s.4 of which provided , amongst many other things , that for the future , no Act of the imperial Parliament should extend to any of the six Dominions listed above unless it expressly stated that the Dominions in question had requested and consented to the
3 ‘ I do n't know if you 've heard , but it rather seems that the police suspect one of the lecturers at the college of killing her , ’ said Melissa .
4 Or ought it rather to suggest that the texts do not record the words of the classical jurists very precisely ?
5 In Wyatt v Kreglinger and Fernau [ 1933 ] 1 KB 793 the restraint was contained in a letter dealing with the plaintiff 's retirement rather than in his contract of employment and it effectively said that the defendants would pay him a pension if he refrained from working in the wool trade .
6 It effectively ensures that the environmental case against opencasting must be an overwhelmingly strong one :
7 It is clever because it effectively means that the broadcasters will have to censor themselves .
8 Even if it eventually transpires that the Lorenz equations do not satisfy the conditions necessary to justify the rigorous analysis ( but see { 33 } ) , it is none the less true that a great many ( infinitely many ) homoclinic orbits do occur in the system though perhaps not distributed densely through all r-intervals .
9 Auguste failed to see the hidden tensions and passions behind these simple manoeuvres ; to him it only signified that the banquet had acquired a reality .
10 It only shows that the brain is implicated in the process by which the inner mind structure in the subtle energy fields seeks outward expression .
11 ‘ Look , it so happens that a number of people have dropped out of the scheme for one reason or another , and there 's now a place for you at the end of the team .
12 It so happens that the Roman collections , which cover a geographical area from Britain to the Middle East and North Africa , fall within the interests of several departments of antiquities .
13 It so happens that the names Upehull , Upsall and Upshall occur in the records of one very small village — the first in a lay subsidy roll of 1327 , the second in a manorial court roll of November 1550 , and the third in a number of documents down to the latest twentieth-century electoral rolls .
14 As we shall eventually see , it so happens that the latter point is probably correct , but it is not a conclusion that follows directly from the results of the Terman project , for the following reasons .
15 It so happens that the descendants of the original Indians whose raft capsized were also in charge of another raft that capsized at about the same point in the river .
16 The old sunset-defying British Empire stands out even better , and it so happens that the main fossiliferous parts of it fall on a non-equatorial great circle , thereby providing ample ammunition for the polar wanderers .
17 For it so happens that the developed societies over-value certain kinds of mental operations , like logic .
18 Now it so chanced that the king of the country passed through Marko 's village , and he saw the golden-fleeced ram and set his heart on it .
19 It so happened that a local head of a special school was very involved in this campaign .
20 It so happened that No 5 Air School was not far away from the mine where Churchill hid during the Boer War , ’ Clifford recalls .
21 It so happened that the novelist 's wife had a younger brother at this Academy who knew Ivanov .
22 It so happened that the UN Secretary-General , Perez de Cuellar , was himself a Peruvian .
23 It so happened that the first person to come a cropper on the steps was the warden Jane Cartwright , who was a good deal younger and more agile than those in her care .
24 It so happened that the string hung on a sprig of an elder that grew out of the mote , and this confirmed them that ‘ t was the Devill .
25 It so happened that the Missions to the Adult Deaf and Dumb of Ireland were seeking a missionary , and Maginn applied for the position .
26 It so happened that the firm I had been working for ( manufacturers of rubber-coats , ground-sheets , etc. ) had closed down the Glasgow Office and factory , and I was without work .
27 It so happened that the mainspring of my clockwork mouse had broken that very morning .
28 It so happened that the dresser at the Shield gave notice , and Dinah decided that she herseelf could teach Lilian to make herself useful in that and other ways .
29 The forces of evil must have been working smoothly that day because it so happened that the spot he chose was the position within yards of the epicentre of terror that had frightened the railwaymen so many years earlier .
30 It so happened that the very train that ended Mr Cubbage 's life was carrying the delayed mail and in one of the mail bags was a letter from Coleen agreeing to Mr Cubbage 's proposal of marriage and saying that she was coming home to her lover .
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