Example sentences of "it [adv] [verb] [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 Much of the Alliance advance occurred in its traditional heartlands of the north , where it successfully exploited economic and political insecurities of the local bourgeoisie .
2 At least in Europe and America , it mostly strikes homosexual and bisexual men , and drug-users .
3 If it was expanding fairly slowly , the force of gravity would cause it eventually to stop expanding and then to start contracting .
4 It only leaves running and , if I were you , I 'd start now . ’
5 But to me , standing there in the autumn sunlight , it suddenly seemed natural and comforting .
6 But as I say , I hate pedals , because the sound of a guitar through an amp is just a beautiful sound , and if you put it through too many other things it just gets weakened and made mock .
7 It already makes black and white displays in the US , but demand for notebook personal computers with colour displays is growing , and Sharp says it would rather make these locally than export them from Japan , where they are still subject to perverse US anti-dumping duties .
8 This may have held great promise in its early years but it soon became divided and then fragmented , due largely , if not wholly to the same age-old misconception whereby the basis of the religion is the assumption of the existence of a completely undefined ‘ god ’ , in this case the ancient ‘ god ’ of the Jews .
9 Although the idea of regular bathing was a new one to the Britons , it soon became fashionable and was another sign of being properly civilised .
10 But she put it to her eyes and brought it away streaked black and green .
11 A very sticky variety clings to each new copy for an average time of more than an hour before it finally breaks free and the process can begin again .
12 The caveman 's body begins to sweat and it thus becomes wet and slippery .
13 But as the liquid cools it rapidly becomes viscous and solidifies before it can crystallise .
14 A smear of smoke was all that was left , and it rapidly grew ragged and thin .
15 But what if it still feels dry and taut after 15 minutes ?
16 Even in incessant rain it still seemed lovely and , at least within its walls , remarkably unspoilt , though behind the medieval faades many houses have been relentlessly modernised .
17 It still commands extensive and airy views over the valleys to the east and west , and in places its broad grass verges betray something of its original width before the road was metalled .
18 Its danger to people handling it is relatively low , but it still needs careful and secure storage .
19 Being medieval , she thought it was unsuitable for the church to be visibly glittering , but , if the pews and the brass were n't polished , it quickly looked sad and Anna did not like it to look sad .
20 It also meant centralized and rationalized administration ; hence efforts were made to extend to Hungary , so jealous of its autonomy , the administrative system of the hereditary provinces .
21 It also froze Iraqi and Kuwaiti assets ; suspended credits , loans and grants ; closed Iraqi Airlines ' offices in the USA and committed its military forces to the interdiction of Iraqi oil shipments in support of UN sanctions .
22 While entry into the Kingdom has an essential personal and individual element , it also has profound and extensive community ramifications .
23 It also throws new and interesting light on the real needs for establishing the Livermore Laboratory for Dr Edward Teller .
24 Whereas country life had before been relatively quiescent , it now became unsettled and the foci of dissatisfaction altered ; protests against taxes were regularly staged from about 1540 , and after 1550 gave way to larger-scale insurrections such as those at Romans in 1580 , in the south west during the 1590s , and , much later , the Camisard rebellion in the Cévennes which began in 1688 .
25 It now became interesting and profitable to work with others , both in the classroom and in more leisurely periods of revision .
26 Dwarfed by Vienna and time , it now seemed crude and static .
27 It now stands alone and has a baroque façade is plain also , while the east end is apsidal Byzantine dome and drum with beautiful mosaic decoration on a gold background .
28 The first few weeks were okay , but then it really got boring and I just moped about .
29 brown tiles and it was brown tiles all in that room and of course we could n't , we had started a business and all the money had gone into the business and we could n't afford to , to start carpeting , it was impossible , so , but that room really looked superb I think , I had huge rugs , you know , one in front of the fireplace and another one this end and the other end in colour , in colours , and there really , it really looked nice and the floor was polished up to the nines , you know , er right through here all polished all the same colour
30 He also throws away too many key phrases : ‘ This Triton of the minnows ’ is a magnificent epithet for Sicinius but it here gets lost and although in the great banishment-speech Mr Dance 's body-language is good ( as he hurls his coat to the ground in fine disdain ) it is significant that the directors resort to an echo-chamber effect on ‘ There is a world elsewhere . ’
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