Example sentences of "it [pron] [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Whil whilst whilst you 're thinking about it I would also suggest that er well ask for any other comments anybody may wish to raise on Selby itself .
2 I do n't know if you have the book by is the history of the Ninety Second Group and in case you do n't have it I would just bring in about these two missions .
3 . Oh , the little tt Oh the little maids , however they stuck it I shall never know .
4 Well no I did it last week and one of the references I could n't remember the name of the woman , so I just put Mrs blank and I just left it so I thought I 'd do it again cos there were a couple of bits I did wrong and a bit dodgy , so I though save me writing it I 'll just do it all over again but it looks like I 'm not gon na be able to now because we 've brought out here for a piddling stupid fire drill !
5 I got a bit left over from when I cut it I 'll just bring it in this bit , there .
6 I 've got ta be catched I wo n't actually do it I 'll just come in run a mo just give it complete customers and and help
7 All right , so I 've got a bottle of Scotch which costs about 50 quid and if the studio does n't pay for it I 'll never work for them again , and a big pile of this flimsy hotel notepaper .
8 Throw it I can barely lift it .
9 A lot of it I can just push aside but
10 And some of it I can only get in Stowmarket anyway because it 's heavy .
11 cos I 'm I know if I had it I 'd just feel really awful if I had BO
12 Oh well Ange if you ai n't got ta pay for it I 'd bloody take it .
13 And if I can not rid myself of it I will just have to go into the service and begin to root out the cause .
14 I was hoping to get back to council work before Christmas , but I recognise that if I rush , it I will only set me back .
15 How I put that eye into my mouth and how I swallowed it I will never know , but swallow it I did .
16 Well November , I meant the fourth of November it seems to be for ever anyway I spoke to the Head of the Department when they came back and he said I must admit we 've done nothing from the point of view of putting things on paper but a lot of thinking has gone into it I must really sit down now and commit things to paper .
17 This expectation has rather been confirmed than otherwise by the superimposition in the last two years of an element of graduation in the contribution , the additional yield of which for many years to come will mainly help to finance the standard pension but which creates a right to additions to it which will gradually build up over the next forty years on an actuarial basis .
18 And er and although it nobody could ever say that the union was politically motivated er it it 's strange to relate that at union meeting when the general strike started and we of course we were n't in the T U C we were too small anyway , although I know that there 's been unions with twenty eight members in the T U C now .
19 And if you enjoy it you may even volunteer to do so .
20 okay , it is where the trouser crease meets the line of the groin and it 's skin deep , okay , so you 'll pushing onto it you 'd probably have to put your two fingers and a pad and your knuckles right in there , alright and you 'll feel it yourself best when you 're lying down and your knee just up like that , that 's when you can feel it best because you can push in harder then , cos you 've relaxed your stomach and that 's another tip for putting pressure on it when you 've got somebody who needs that , you need to relax the stomach muscle , but you manage to put pressure up there okay ?
21 If I 'd asked you for it you 'd probably have punched me in the eye . ’
22 ‘ If you 'd made it you 'd presumably insist it was Irish stew .
23 If it 's got worse , why is it you 'd still like to stay ?
24 And you 'd listen to your tapes back and er w in the middle of it you 'd always hear yourself going shh
25 This is a hard piece of follow-up advice , but if you can steel yourself to do it you will probably gain valuable insights into your interview performance and into which particular lack of experience or qualifications is holding you back .
26 If your car is damaged while a young or inexperienced person ( including yourself ) is driving it you will also have to pay the first part of the cost as shown opposite .
27 If your car is damaged while a young or inexperienced person ( including yourself ) is driving it you will also have to pay the first part of the cost as shown opposite .
28 Er this is clearly go going to become an important schedule and I think it you will inevitably run into difficulties here on different definitions of allocations for example .
29 Where the boss 's response to a complaint might well be ‘ If you do n't like it you can always leave ’ , then sticking with a job you do not like implies that you lack the motivation to go and find something more satisfactory , or that you are incapable of finding anything better .
30 You 're not just paying somebody else to have a Cos if you 're moving if you ca n't sell it you can always rent it again .
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