Example sentences of "it [adj] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 For the first time I had an opportunity of seeing Barbara at work in detailed negotiations , and whatever small credit attached to me for the major idea , the scale and ingenuity that she expended on the detail and in making it possible to arrive at a suitable settlement was beyond praise .
2 It may still be necessary to avoid certain food items or undergo other forms of treatment , but it should speed the body 's recovery , and make it possible to return to a more normal diet sooner .
3 How far is it possible to speak of a partnership at all if only a restricted set of activities is undertaken ?
4 Only with the change of party strategy in 1934 was it possible to speak of a genuine coincidence between PCF political and cultural policy .
5 And the system of Standing Cabinet Committees , which was developed in the War Cabinet days , now makes it possible to work with a smaller Cabinet , on the lines of your War Cabinet and ‘ Caretaker ’ Cabinet , 49 without impairing the principle of collective responsibility .
6 You may even find it simpler to revert to a one handed shot on these occasions .
7 And was it defensible to live with a man because I was physically in love with him and also interested in him as an individual , if I was so suspicious of him ?
8 On the face of it this seems like a good idea .
9 She found it easier to live in a faint fog , at one remove from what most people called reality .
10 They say they have never encountered any problems in being an all-female firm ; if anything , they find that a lot of their male clients find it easier to talk to a woman about their finances .
11 May be if they taught us about it at school boys would find it easier to talk to a girl about sex and things like that . ’
12 We also hope that those wishing to sponsor Scottish sport will find it easier to use as a directory of opportunities .
13 Parents who enjoy a happy relationship with their own parents , may find it easier to adapt to a new kind of relationship with their own fast-maturing children .
14 Of course night calls are usually made in a crisis and the help normally available in residential homes may make it easier to cope with a minor one without calling out a doctor .
15 He slept intermittently , amused by the thought that he might have found it easier to rest in a damp , muddy trench with rats and cockroaches for companions .
16 We should not find it easy to go for a single currency if we had already moved down the federalist route in a dangerous way on foreign and defence policies .
17 Mhm do you have do you have a lo I mean is it is it easy to get to in touch say you want to in an emergency , to get in touch with anyone phone , is it is it easy to get to a phone ?
18 So in theory , a colobus should find it easy to escape from a chimpanzee .
19 Corman directed most of the picture but then had stop because union rules , to which he adhered religiously in terms of actors ' and technicians ' payments , made it impossible to continue with a fully fledged production team .
20 It is this integrity — this sense of being truly genuine — which proves crucial to visionary leadership , and makes it impossible to translate into a general formula .
21 They say patients will be faced with higher bills , and that some people might find it impossible to register with a local dentist .
22 From witnessing multiple performances of Hamlet , I would find it impossible to speak about a singular , authoritative version of the play .
23 The Four Horse Men of the Apocalypse apparently felt it inappropriate to arrive as a messenger of divine retribution .
24 Men confused by some of the changes in women 's own expectations of marriage have found it hard to adjust to a wife who now expects her husband to be a thoughtful and technically competent lover , a housefather and a co-counsellor .
25 Women who are used to controlling their body , who 've kept fit , well-nourished and been efficient about contraception , sometimes find it hard to adjust to a state in which they are no longer fully in control .
26 If you find it hard to stick to a diet , try keeping a diary for a week where you record what you 've eaten and when , how hungry you were and what sort of mood you were in at the time .
27 United , without the injured Franz Carr and suspended top scorer Brian Deane , had recalled Cork and Adrian Littlejohn but they found it hard going against a Rovers defence boosted by the return of Irish skipper Kevin Moran .
28 Wake , junior ABA champion and defending his schools title against the boy he beat last year , Roger Campbell , of Hampshire , found it hard going against a shorter but stockier opponent and had to survive being hurt in a tough second round before being given a majority decision .
29 But I find it hard to believe in a second exceptionally heavy wash from a boat in the same morning — one so heavy as to carry the body off again . ’
30 ‘ She did n't find it unusual to sleep with a minister because there is a whole tradition of courtesans which this country does n't understand .
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