Example sentences of "you can [verb] with [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 The pelvis , measured across the front of the stomach between the two bony hip points you can feel with your fingers , is on average nine inches .
2 If you are still using a standard radio system and only wish to execute the occasional loop or roll , then you can continue with your existing equipment , but you should realise that you are not going to be able to perform round loops or axial rolls .
3 And if we live on the Algarve it means you can continue with your career .
4 Chris : Because they give you different choices and you can sit with your friends and it 's better … in the winter it 's better than walking home .
5 ‘ You know what you can do with your sphyg , ’ said Wexford , proceeding to tell him in lurid detail .
6 And you know what you can do with your blue card , you cunning little bitch .
7 You do n't tell me how to carry out a military operation , and I wo n't tell you what you can do with your cards . ’
8 Erm , I 'll have a look at some of the other er things that you can do with your money , cos time 's getting on .
9 There 's a lot of stuff in newspapers about you know erm er investments and what you can do with your money and get the P E P with one and a half percent discount , and all the rest of it .
10 His new video Bodyfit ( Pickwick , £10.99 ) starts with Fergie saying how good it all is and then moves into some dynamic stretches with Josh , cardio-vascular exercise , routines for individual muscle groups and ‘ together ’ exercises you can do with your partner .
11 You can go with your Mum then , wo n't you ?
12 I think you can manage with your thin anorak and probably your thick one .
13 It 's the same with shadows : the beautiful thing is n't the alligators or bats you can make with your hands , the beautiful thing is the way the shadow image allows you to see so precisely what the outer contour of your own hand really looks like , those little bunches of flesh under each bent finger joint .
14 You can compare with your own previously decided spelling , and accept or reject the offers as you would normally .
15 You can redraw with your electronic pen over the white if you need to .
16 You can discuss with your doctor or family planning clinic which is most suitable for you .
17 You can discuss with your doctor or family planning clinic which is most suitable for you .
18 She was supposed , therefore , to praise him and then follow this with the instruction ‘ You can play with your X now ’ ( where X was the toy ) .
19 ‘ Talking of thanks , ’ said Mum , ‘ today you can play with your new toys but first thing tomorrow … ‘
20 Okay so you can play with your own .
21 If you 've had an accident , tennis is one of the sports you can play with your family .
22 In this booklet , we 've suggested over 50 different cleaning jobs in and around the home which you can tackle with your Steamatic .
23 It has been said that working in advertising will give you the most possible fun you can have with your clothes on , and the same might be said of sharedealing .
24 You can , however , waive your right to notice should you wish to do so , and naturally you can agree with your employer to receive a payment in lieu of notice , if that suits you both .
25 You will also receive a cheque book which you can use with your Auto Cheque card to pay at shops , garages , restaurants etc .
26 You need all the vitamins you can get with your cold .
27 There are several ways you can experiment with your homeloan to make it more profitable .
28 Extraordinary as it may seem , it nevertheless is a fact that plants breathe through their roots , not in the same way as you and I with lungs , but the same chemical process of respiration goes on and , unless like seaweed and water lilies they are adapted to do so , plants can no more live in an airless waterlogged soil than you can live with your head under water .
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