Example sentences of "you are not [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 You are n't getting it out of me that easy .
2 You are n't holding them right , miss , ’ he told her .
3 I think there 's a lot that you are n't telling me . ’
4 It helps to ease my pain , even though you are n't hearing me .
5 Tom Banks and some twelve year old in a thirty five year old body anyway you are not watching it because you are going to bed eight o'clock , is that not right daddy ?
6 " And how can I be sure you are not telling me a little mentirola ?
7 You are not telling me the truth . ’
8 But " originality " presents a difficult problem because ( unless you are doing advanced research ) you are unlikely to be in a position to advance new facts or radically new interpretations , or even to have a wide enough knowledge of what other people have written to be sure that you are not duplicating it .
9 I notice that even when you are simply listening to music on tape or watching it on the TV monitor when you are editing you are still breathing with the music even though you are not conducting it .
10 While there are problems in the class , … when I looked at the programme I could see that problems that are caused because you are not explaining yourself , you are not getting them down to work , they do n't understand what they 're doing .
11 You need flexibility to change tack if you are not getting it right .
12 Make sure that the story you have for them is interesting and if it is merely constituency information , explain that you are providing it for background briefing and that you are not expecting them to publish it .
13 Check if this carries VAT — it comes as a nasty shock if you are not expecting it .
14 switch off lights when you are not using them
15 The amphiuma , from the same part of the world , still possesses all four of its limbs but they are so minuscule that you have to look very carefully if you are not to miss them .
16 ‘ And you are not to call me cara ?
17 She put her basket down on the pavement , held on to the woman with one arm , pulled on the man 's huge arm with the other , said to him firmly , if more than a little fearfully , ‘ No , you are not to touch her again .
18 If you are not receiving it but believe you should be doing so , you should write to your local tax office ( see under Inland Revenue in the telephone directory ) stating your age and , if married , that of your partner .
19 You are not giving us a chance .
20 And there are similar slightly different arguments , for instance Descartes ' version which takes q = you are dreaming and argues that since you do n't know that you are not dreaming you do n't know any proposition p of which you know that if p were true you would not be dreaming ( see the first Meditation in Descartes , 1955 ) .
21 You are not joining us ? ’
22 You are not to show it to him ! ’
23 If you look upon Art as a frill , it is pretty certain you are not letting it play its proper part in the school .
24 You are not making me nervous , ’ she said , but he could hear the tremor in her voice .
25 You are not roasting me , I trust , ’ Sir Rufus said menacingly .
26 That would worry me if I was a Labour Party member because you have got a good case but you are not putting it across in a way that convinces doctors themselves .
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