Example sentences of "you are [adj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This means that the traverse across Scotland usually takes two days , three if you are marooned in the middle of a Sunday .
2 If you are used to the low rectangular shape of most best sanders , the bizarre profile of the BD75E take some getting used to .
3 Manufacturers claim hair removal is efficient and total , once you are used to the product .
4 On the right is a cut-out-and-keep guide that shows exactly where to take your complaint if you are unhappy with a company 's response to your problem .
5 If , for any reason at all , you are unhappy with a plate in this collection , you may return it to us within 30 days for a full refund or replacement .
6 If you are turned down for a grant or loan or you are unhappy with the amount given , there is no right of appeal to an independent tribunal as there used to be .
8 If you are unhappy with the treatment you have received from the NHS — from a family doctor , the local hospital , a dentist , a high street pharmacist , or an optician — what should you do ?
9 You are already invited in our literature to write to me if you are unhappy about a service provided by the Society and you have been unable to resolve matters with the head of the department concerned .
10 This can be an especially useful consideration if you are unhappy in a job or about to change direction .
11 If you have your doubts and are uncertain about what line to take , or when to start , you are one of a multitude of parents .
12 If you are one of a group of Homes , it can make sense to arrange joint activities .
13 It is also extremely difficult to find a book addressed to you if you are one of the younger girls suffering from an eating disorder .
14 ‘ I understand you are one of the best marksmen in Europe , ’ he remarked as though apropos of nothing in particular .
15 But if you are one of the 75 per cent who have decided against having an independent survey , then read on — you need this book more than anyone .
16 Because you are one of the lucky people picked to receive an invitation AND be issued with your unique Number 4850158 — you are already well on your way towards a CASH Win .
17 Even if you are one of the lucky few , blessed with a fine trouble-free skin , the use of essential oils along with the techniques outlined in this chapter will not only help to preserve its suppleness for as long as possible , but will improve your health in general .
18 The fastest mathematician Select one of your children and one other , and explain that you are going to show that you are one of the world 's best mathematicians .
19 If you are one of the faithful few who keep your machine set up and working during the summer you can have a wonderful time trying out patterns and colour schemes in between knitting those delightful little summer tops .
20 Since your viewfinder picture is not in colour ( unless you are one of the lucky ones who have a camcorder with a colour viewfinder to bring along on a shoot ) , you have a rely on your camcorder 's white balance system to get the colour-balancing right for you — and it probably will .
21 The first year 's subscription includes one free BBC Selector and standard installation if you are one of the early subscribers .
22 If you are one of the people who think all that pre-match razzamattazz is so over the top , the actual kick-off is 8pm .
23 If you are one of the unfortunate ones facing misery in your marriage , let me say with sensitivity and understanding that God does and will sustain those in deeply unhappy relationships , especially those in marriages where one partner simply refuses to do anything to help the situation .
24 You are one of the countless men suffering from the menopause .
25 If you think you are one of the applicants affected by this problem , it might be worth while contacting institutions again to ask if they would consider your application now .
26 Suppose you are one of the prisoners in this puzzling situation .
27 If you are one of the majority of business executives , you probably eat too much and occasionally drink too much .
28 If you are one of the comfort eaters and find that your mood patterns have a direct effect on your eating habits then it must be a good idea for your to examine just how the various moods you experience affect your eating habits .
29 You are one of the brave young women who have already put forward their names for Eretz .
30 You are one of the people in the poem .
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