Example sentences of "you are [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you take our recommended holiday insurance with the Eagle Star group and your baggage is not delivered within 12 hours from the time of arrival at your holiday destination due to delay or misdirection in delivery , you are covered up to £100 for essential purchases .
2 If you are turned down for a grant or loan or you are unhappy with the amount given , there is no right of appeal to an independent tribunal as there used to be .
3 If your hospitalization is sudden , say , you are struck down with appendicitis at work , ask your work colleagues to telephone the neighbour who keeps your spare key and ask him or her to check that your home is all right , look after your pet or take your pet to a local kennels or vet to be looked after , water your plants , and generally keep an eye on things .
4 If you are invited out to dinner and feel reluctant to accept because of your diet , do n't even hesitate .
5 While walking the rest of the way , you are run over by kids on mopeds .
6 What happens if you are run over by an iceberg ?
7 LADY DAVERS : And your servant again , my lady , for I think you are dressed out like one .
8 Christopher Brown , director of the NSPCC , said : ‘ How can you listen to children if you are hung up on smacking them ? ’
9 It is the same as in the last exercise except that you are bent over from the waist .
10 If , for instance , you are pushed over in the playground , would it be all right to push the aggressor in return ?
11 do not be alarmed if you are passed on from your initial solicitor ( perhaps the one who did your house conveyancing ) to another .
12 In other words , if you are brought up on a diet of do 's , don'ts , should 's and shouldn'ts , you will be inclined to spend a lot of time and energy earning approval .
13 It may be that you have been taking them for so long that you are caught up in a chemical spiral and can not now function without them .
14 Once you are wrapped around by the cirque you realize that it is not beautiful but what in the eighteenth century they knew as ‘ sublime ’ .
15 Just dial HOL 3434 , and you are put through to ‘ a very special weather expert watching a radar screen ’ .
16 BELVILLE : Let me see how you are come on in your writing .
17 I 've been there , do n't forget , and I 've seen how you are looked up to .
18 If you are booked in to Black Sail Hut Youth Hostel and the weather puts you off completing the main route , you can make a circuit around Crummock Water before crossing Scarth Gap .
19 You are allowed up to four lines of text for lyrics .
20 If you are knocked out for longer than a few seconds , you should report to your doctor as soon as possible after the competition .
21 As you turn the corner towards the church of St Mary , which was enthusiastically restored in the picturesque style during the nineteenth century , you are bowled over by the beauty of this grandest of farms .
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