Example sentences of "you 're look at the " in BNC.

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1 You 're looking at the next Sugar Ray , ’ I was assured by one youth before he had even sparred in training !
2 ‘ If you 're looking for a Messiah or a missionary , you 're looking at the wrong man , ’ says one of John Major 's close friends , irked by the relentless calls for leadership and vision .
3 You prefer well packaged routine holidays in popular tourism destinations and you 're looking at the three Ss or four Ss we should say .
4 And therefore when you 're looking at the nutritional value you need to be very aware of that .
5 You 're not looking at the stream , you 're looking at the bloody quality and you ca n't stop yourself doing it . ’
6 You 're you 're looking at the carbonate trying to work out what on earth goes on here what is the salt when you drop hydrochloric acid onto the carbonate .
7 So , so really you 're looking at the values in it you see
8 You 're looking at the ideal client over there , dear boy .
9 While you 're looking at the power supply situation , take a minute to check that the mains plug does not have any loose connections .
10 So you got a cell that 's not got any entry in it , is not formatted , so you 're looking at the panel you can see that there 's no , nothing in the parenthesis , and there 's no U. So if you copy a blank cell , over what you want to erase .
11 But I 've copied over to the same place , what it seems to be doing provided the cell pointed out , you 're looking at the top left .
12 Er , then then it , when you 're looking at the back , unusual part of the Lotus again , you know which page of the manual to go , or all of the help screens .
13 Fourteen two , erm the great problem is it 's easier to get if an afternoon meeting can finish at a reasonable time , then I can probably but erm I think if you , if you 're looking at the clock when home in the evening for a number of reasons it might be then I would this and unless we can sort of put a restricted time on the agenda which is impossible , I can imagine coming down here at two o'clock for the meeting .
14 you 're looking at the velocity , that 'll be velocity , so where it 's not changing , there , the slope is zero , no acceleration .
15 Er the A sixty one , it varies whether you 're looking at the A sixty one south or the A sixty one north as to what percentage and what flow er is through traffic and also between which e elements or which radials we 're talking about because there 's A sixty one to A sixty one , there 's also A sixty one to A fifty nine which is also through traffic .
16 If you jump , yes you 're looking at the right place , but you 've jumped ahead .
17 Absolutely , absolutely , you 're looking at the sum assured that the client has got , being supported by the fund .
18 Now the planning application is for Waste Regulation rests with this Authority and I would emphasise that to members here that wh if you 're looking at the sites you must bear in mind that we are the waste Site Planning Application Authority and that you can not go and make progress in any direction without it coming to Committee here and I would hope that officers would bear in mind the sensitivity which has already been mentioned in agenda today but members will find that these applications er are addressed in their own district , in their own divisions .
19 that 's the abbreviation obviously , but if you 're looking at the areas , I mean there is , er ,
20 You 're looking at the new owner of Millford Crest .
21 No you 're looking at the wrong one , this eight down here where it says eight and then there 's an O and a Z , that 's eight ounces which is about two and something grams , we 're not worried about grams today , in ounces , oh , think that will be enough ?
22 Erm y'know it 's one of these things that er that 's often been rather condoned , o particularly if you 're looking at the education system .
23 Er and again , you 'll see on one of the 's photographs I 've got , it shows , just to the right hand side as you 're looking at the front of the main archway , erm it had the legend , Railway , parcels receiving office .
24 Now that 's all very well having one of those , if you 've got a nice solid wood door to fit it to , but if you 're looking at the new replacement P V C doors erm , afterwards you ca n't fit that type of lock because the actual structure of the door wo n't take it .
25 Er , son , you 're looking at the menu .
26 I do n't like it when they 're sitting on the floor in front of the counter with their legs like that and they 're sitting there and you 're looking at the video and you think , well , I ca n't get that because that was made in nineteen-eighty-six and they might think I 'm a bit weedy , so I better get something that was made recently .
27 But of course if you 're looking at the American market , I mean the opportunities if you 're in the States are tremendous , so we do face a lot of competition .
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