Example sentences of "you might have [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 You might have said that before , ’ he said coldly .
2 You might have assumed this was the police bluffing and bullying .
3 ‘ I thought you might have outgrown all that old animosity . ’
4 Right , yeah you 're stuck to it are n't you and if you move away from it , where are you , if you got ta go back to it , you might have done this for t for today , do n't worry but you know , but it 's not , we 're not gon na mark you down or anything like that , the danger of is what ?
5 Well I think that a number of you might have seen that definition of quality .
6 ‘ Thought you might have seen some friends of mine , ’ he continued with his mouth full .
7 ‘ I thought you might have realised that after all this time . ’
8 Sixty two only , you know , not that long after the War had ended and to the lament that nobody got killed you know you might have had more chances e of success if they had all got killed .
9 ‘ I think you might have got this drink from the wrong tray , ’ she said to him now .
10 You might have known that was coming , might n't you ?
11 You might have thought this sort of behaviour was all over .
12 You might have thought these further disclosures would have had a powerful effect on me but , of course , I was inured to surprise where this man was concerned .
13 ‘ I thought you might have brought that young doctor back with you . ’
14 cos the client might be in a position of saying , well , after six months , I 'm down to half salary , so you might have sold this plan , to pick up the other half ,
15 If you went from there to there without any practice or participation , since we 've already said you might have left half your audience here and in actual fact so your practice and participation needs to be built in .
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