Example sentences of "you come out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The presenting problem should be recognised , for example , ‘ Your niece wondered if you would like us to arrange for you to come out for the day once a week ? ’
2 ‘ I keep asking you to come out in the boat , you say you have to work .
3 You know the steep hill at , at erm between Martlesham and Woodbridge , you know as you left Martlesham you went down that steep hill down to the erm the pub at the bottom of the hill where you came out on the looks to me as if the new road misses that altogether
4 More than likely , you came out of the cinema wondering why you went in the first place .
5 You came out of the main door ? ’
6 ‘ Why did you come out into the hall ? ’
7 I heard you come out of the Hall .
8 It 's only a very short walk down , if you walk through the shops you do n't have to go all the way down , you can actually come , just walk past that shop and go down the middle , and you come out through the car park .
9 You come out into the floating garden
10 Anne ‘ s quick wit made her popular and one of the women said admiringly , ‘ You can tell you come from a big family , girl , the way you come out with the wisecracks . ’
11 It 's like you come out on the road and Craig sees me and Graham in the hotel room being very domestic , setting everything out nice , the ghetto blaster , and the hair dryer and the toiletries .
12 Erm there 's a shop erm that 's right up when you come out at the library th on the er , pelican crossing
13 As you come out of the Blackwall Tunnel , right by the new Financial Times building , there are at least two shut and boarded up pubs .
14 Choose from chess on one side or if you fancy something a little less taxing on the mind simply turn the mat over and set the ‘ board ’ for a fun game of checkers — you could even use it to lie on when you come out of the sea !
15 They are the people you step on when you come out of the opera . ’
16 You come out of the hotel , the Vraimont .
17 You come out of the little world of your daily struggle for life , and of your struggle for Germany and for our nation , to experience this feeling for once .
18 Just millions of conferences that just tire you out and exhaust you , and nothing change as you come out of the conference — it 's the same thing .
19 Right so what we 'll do is I 'll show you how we can compute Chow tests in Microfit if you come out of the data processing environment type Q erm and move to the action menu I guess do that linear regression .
20 Yeah well sorry if you come out of the action menu , you will need to create the constant so you press the escape key erm then move back to er the process blot edit save option .
21 pet , you must not touch that , you 're not to climb up and get things off shelves , you come out of the cupboard ee
22 And I wonder if it seems to be that they prefer you come out of the upper drawer than come up with your brilliant A levels or whatever .
23 up all the way along and er you come out along the road all the way up past
24 And you come out onto the main road ?
25 I saw one erm I saw an actual Christmas tree up in erm you know the library when you come out in the road to library onto the main road ?
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