Example sentences of "you have go [prep] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ As you 've gone to so much trouble , it would seem discourteous to refuse , ’ Ashley said .
2 ‘ Since you 've gone to so much trouble I suppose I 'd better change into something more in keeping with your splendour . ’
3 Um now one thing er I notice you 're you 've gone for quite heavily is using kind of declarative directional statements .
4 You had to hop to it — it was considered to be a privilege from the sergeant and you had to go in here and strip down , and scrub windows and that sort of thing .
5 Two old sisters in Portsmouth kept shops side by side : the great-aunt running a coal shop where ‘ you had to go in there with your pail , and they weighed the coal ’ , with vegetables as a sideline , while ‘ my gran she had a wee shop and she used to sell toffee apples . ’
6 Whereas in most databases you have to go to quite a lot of effort to create the linked structure , in Delta Five it is expected that your databases will have this structure , and you have to work quite hard not to conform !
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