Example sentences of "you have [verb] at [adv] " in BNC.

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1 you 've done at least some work in the last two weeks ' maths lessons .
2 He 's a good motivator , has endeared himself to the players and if they 're on your side as a manager you 've got at least a fighting chance .
3 So y y y you , you , you , you 've got at least three things which are all sort of brewing up there and you think good grief what a , what a , what a state to be in because the poor doctor does n't know what on earth to do , poor Jan does n't know , well it 's worse for Jan cos she 's sitting there thinking I 'm going potty or , you know , ca n't stand properly or you know is leaning over or , or numb down one side of her face or , or or whatever it was , it was i i it was the , the dizziness I think actually which which was most alarming .
4 ‘ This idea about men caring only for money and status , ’ Nathan said thoughtfully , ‘ is it a long-held opinion , or one you 've arrived at recently ? ’
5 As I speak , a chance now for Martin Foyle ; Foyle has scored for Oxford , he 's done it , Oxford have pulled one back , tremendous through ball for Martin Foyle , he cheeked his way round the goalkeeper , put it in with the side of his foot so you 've come at exactly the right time , thirty one minutes gone , Spurs two , Oxford United one and the goal coming from Martin Foyle .
6 He cheeked his way round the goalkeeper , put it in with the side of his foot , so you 've come at exactly the right time , thirty one minutes gone , Spurs two , Oxford United one .
7 ‘ Actually , you 've come at just the right moment .
8 But Einstein had shown that you could n't use a very small amount of light ; you had to use at least one packet , or quantum .
9 But remember you have to wait at least 12 weeks after the possible infection for the test result to be accurate .
10 You have , yeah , you have to wait at least you have wait a certain amount of years .
11 ‘ I do not want you to say a word until you have drunk at least two glasses . ’
12 If your life is so rushed that you only have five to ten minutes for lunch , and your body knows that you have to consume at least 300–400 calories in order to make it through until the evening , it is going to look for a very convenient solution , and that means , high calorie , low volume food that is readily available , such as a chunky cheese sandwich , or worse still , a chocolate bar .
13 Never begin filling in the real form until you have practised at least once on a photocopy .
14 If you are now feeling completely at ease with Stage 1 of the tummy exercises and you have mastered at least 8 repeats of each exercise then start working on Stage 2 — not only will you look good , you will take the strain off your back .
15 right so if you er draw a make sure you have got at least half a page , right , you are going to be drawing two quite familiar diagrams , right , you er , first of all just draw a normal total product curve , what we are going to do , because we are looking at a fixed level of output , sorry fixed level of capital what we are going to be analysing is the relationships between the total product of labour , the average product of labour , and the marginal product of labour , right , for a given level of capital okay , so the total product curve just tells us what happens to output as we increase the level of our variable factor labour keeping capital fixed at some constant constant level
16 In the examination itself , divide up the time on the basis of how the marks are likely to be distributed ; if you run out of time for your first answer , quickly sketch a conclusion and move on to the next question , so that you have provided at least a general indication of work in all the questions .
17 But you have to look at just what is being established here .
18 You have to fly at least 12 hours before your initial flight test and on average people fly around 20 hours before getting their licence .
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