Example sentences of "you have [vb pp] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The wound I made in you has healed in an ugly way .
2 The outcome of the exercise in the White Paper , I think , had three main parts : one was a new think-tank , the Central Policy Review Staff , which presumably reflected some of the stuff you 'd seen in the United States at Rand and so on ; the other was a new system of , I suppose you would call it , zero-based budgeting , where you would look at longstanding government commitments and see if they should stagger on — that was Programme Analysis and Review ; and , to reduce the weight on Cabinet , there were to be big conglomerate departments , which led to the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of the Environment .
3 When Boris began sleeping with her , villagers who wondered what would happen if the husband found out were told by wiser villagers : ‘ If you 'd lived in a big town you 'd know that the husband knows . ’
4 You used to have a little book and er the grocer would write it down what you 'd had in the book you see and then you had to pay for it on th at the weekend .
5 ‘ E asked me to describe yer , which I did , thinkin' maybe 'e was goin' to tell yer you 'd come into some money , but 'e said you 'd taken in a young woman , that the pair of you 'ad nicked 'is wallet an' made off with it .
6 I just assumed you 'd left in the morning .
7 How would you have done in the quiz ?
8 ‘ So would you have done in the circumstances , ’ he said wearily , not wanting to get drawn into an argument .
9 I think we ca n't do justice to the point you 've raised in the time at our disposal , but it is a very important issue .
10 That 's a conditional gift divorce makes it that that gift is revoked but she may still survive therefore the condition would apply and therefore the subsequent er provisions that you 've made in a will do n't apply because they can only apply if the wife survives twenty eight days but that 's ignored !
11 You 've guessed in a way have n't you ?
12 You 've go you 've gone in the little book
13 You 've said in the past that you thought the band stood or fell purely by your music , that your personalities had nothing to do with it .
14 ‘ It 's clear from what you 've said in the papers that you 're determined to have a full blown lock-out and deal with the union problem once and for all , ’ Branson said .
15 Now on the management charge which is what I want to ask you about , cos that 's what you 've said in the brochure , on the management charge , did you deliberately set the management charge too low to hook the punters ?
16 Well , you 've written in a article , you say by merely acknowledging our feelings we are less likely to pass them on by osmosis to those who are emotionally bound to us .
17 Once you 've mapped in the shape , leave it soft , or wet the brush , dip it back into the powder and run it over again for a more liquid line .
18 I keep walking in this rubbish you 've swept in the
19 If the postman knocks on the door to delivery the only parcel you 've received in the past three years , you can guarantee it will be at just before eight on the first Saturday morning you 've had a chance to have a proper lie in for months .
20 Er the other point I would make about the the figures under H One , really is that erm the twelve thirty figures that you 've seen in the tables is our best estimate at the present time , based on the site survey we 've carried out .
21 It 's different to , to the way you 've seen in the past .
22 It 's blood that 's being lost at a high rate , it 's dangerous whatever ver vessel it 's coming from , so you will stop it by pad , pressure and elevation , you will attempt to reduce the loss of blood and assist the formation of a clot , once you 've assisted in the formation of a clot , by putting the pad on it , would it be sensible to have a little peak to see how it 's doing ?
23 List in column 1 everything you 've done in the last three days .
24 ‘ I 'm not interested in what you 've done in the past .
25 We 're passed that now we 're trying to give people more direction , get them involved er this is the first year we 've able to do it in a sense , properly cos it 's been the first year , with all due respect to all the work you 've done in the past , we 've got five year tutors .
26 He p he pretends to forget about things that he 's done in the past , but the people of do n't forget what you 've done in the past .
27 One of the things I am obviously gon na have to look at is the what you 've done in the last two or three years because traditionally erm we would n't ask van drivers to come along and see us .
28 ‘ After all you 've done in the past for Rosemary and me , and are still doing , ’ he went on , ‘ I got to thinking yesterday that I could have been a sight more energetic in letting you know how delighted I am that you 're going to marry my cousin .
29 This will be an annual task unless you 've invested in a cedar model when once every three years should suffice .
30 Look on it as an extra bit of security for all that money you 've invested in the station .
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