Example sentences of "you be not still [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As with all the stages so far discussed , during the process of learning to fly aerobatics the model will be put into many very unfamiliar positions and attitudes , so it is essential that your flying capabilities are such that you are not still finding yourself in a position where you are disorientated .
2 You 're not still entertaining this foolish idea of going to Australia to try to see Greg Martin yourself , I hope , ’ Hugo said sharply .
3 You 're not still trying to accuse her of something underhand , are you ? ’
4 ‘ Oh , really , ’ Merrill said wearily , ‘ you 're not still accusing me of trying to lure Rob away from Heather ? ’
5 Statements like : ‘ Were n't you Dave Moorcroft ? ’ and : ‘ You 're not still running are you ? ’ , do n't do much for your confidence and yet , despite that , we runners of a more mature age still share the same crazy dreams as our younger colleagues , we just become better conditioned at accepting , so called , reality .
6 You 're not still going on about all that star sign nonsense , are you ?
7 Because she could 've phoned , alright , you 're not still going or whatever she 's trying to excuses she ca n't erm skate , well half the people ca n't skate , what you talking about , but oh I just do n't understand .
8 You 're not still dwelling on our conversation on the beach , are you ? ’ he asked with a hint of impatience .
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