Example sentences of "you be [verb] at the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Have you been listening at the door , Edgar ? ’ asked Catherine coldly .
2 If you are dismissed at the end of your first year , concentrating on the terms of the contract leads to the conclusion that you ordinarily worked in Great Britain , whereas looking at what actually happened leads to the opposite conclusion .
3 With such low interest rates for savers it is important to analyse just what you are getting at the end of the plan 's life and this is just what this month 's spreadsheet is all about .
4 When you feel like ‘ beating yourself up ’ , observe how you are acting at the time .
5 You are staying at the castle tonight ? ’
6 Please check you are looking at the correct part of the table for the day you wish to travel .
7 Notwithstandingfor that this is predictably possible , the little light yellow-green bumpouses poked their little selves up ( or out , whichever scale you are looking at the plane terrain of the global strain with for ) and waved to one another as a positive signal .
8 Whenever you find an A.sessilis or A. reineckii you are looking at the same plant : A. rosaefolia .
9 So it it precedes the rest of it if you are looking at the front of the fox it 's erm why is a nose important to a wild animal ?
10 Alternatively an introductory sentence might be : ‘ I 've come to talk about how you are managing at the moment . ’
11 phenomena that are influenced mainly by the body clock will be affected more ( you are sleeping at the ‘ wrong time ’ as determined by this clock ) than those determined mainly by external factors .
12 Tonight my friend Watson and I must spend the night in your sister 's room , where you are sleeping at the moment . ’
13 Next you have to decide when to enter the date and time information — do you want to use the spreadsheet like a time clock where you record what you are doing at the time you do it or will you use it to maintain a post-hoc record and enter dates and times in batches .
14 ‘ For what you are doing at the church house , I mean , ’ Owen explained .
15 ‘ Give a rating on a scale from 1 to 20 to indicate the risk you are feeling at the moment the tone sounds .
16 Kitchens Of Distinction are currently seated in Katz 's famous delicatessen in New York and , before them , taped proudly to a napkin dispenser , is an understated , handwritten sign that says : FOR YOUR INFORMATION , YOU ARE SITTING AT THE WHEN HARRY MET SALLY TABLE .
17 But , I told myself , by the time you are standing at the airport terminal ( not the train or the bus station ) , you have burned off the top ones and , come on , lad , you can afford to relax a little .
18 Awareness may come easily when you are experiencing the wonder of growing a plant from seed — it is a little less in the forefront of your mind when you are standing at the kitchen sink doing the washing up .
19 And th the stories that you read are all , all for children are they ones that you 're reading from a book , or are they ones that you 're inventing at the time , or what ?
20 You 're staying at the Auberge de la Fontaine , are n't you ? ’
21 You 're staying at the Julians ’ I hear . ’
22 I know you 're chafing at the bit , but we do n't want to risk a third bleed from that low-lying placenta . ’
23 ‘ In that case , tell me what you were doing modelling shorts when you should have been rehearsing with the wedding dress you 're to wear at the show . ’
24 You 're looking at the next Sugar Ray , ’ I was assured by one youth before he had even sparred in training !
25 ‘ If you 're looking for a Messiah or a missionary , you 're looking at the wrong man , ’ says one of John Major 's close friends , irked by the relentless calls for leadership and vision .
26 You prefer well packaged routine holidays in popular tourism destinations and you 're looking at the three Ss or four Ss we should say .
27 And therefore when you 're looking at the nutritional value you need to be very aware of that .
28 You 're not looking at the stream , you 're looking at the bloody quality and you ca n't stop yourself doing it . ’
29 You 're you 're looking at the carbonate trying to work out what on earth goes on here what is the salt when you drop hydrochloric acid onto the carbonate .
30 So , so really you 're looking at the values in it you see
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