Example sentences of "you [vb base] n't [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 You do n't eat nearly as much as you used to .
2 You do n't eat properly .
3 You do n't eat enough , me love , you got to put more flesh on you .
4 But I think everything in moderation , but you do n't eat as much butter now as what you used to .
5 But the problem in restaurants , in addition to ordering the right sauce , is making sure you do n't eat too much .
6 I feel both pleased and terrified when Anna 's mother remarks , ‘ You do n't eat much , do you , Jill ?
7 But , he maintains , if you do n't throw up a lot of worthless ideas you are unlikely to come up with sensible ones either .
8 You do n't throw out old socks these days anyway
9 The maternal words ‘ If you do n't study hard , you 'll end up on the check-out counter at Tesco 's ’ had had , if not the intended effect , the result of causing Camille and her friends to look down on shop assistants , bank clerks and bus drivers : for more recondite reasons of their own they also held in contempt estate and travel agents and people who worked in advertising .
10 ‘ So you go to the bathroom and turn the doorknob — push the door open — go inside — close the door gently behind you so that you do n't wake up anybody else in the house ; now you go to the basin — put the plug in — turn on the tap — it 's a very stiff tap … ’ ( p. 196 ) .
11 ‘ It 's like a nightmare , only you do n't wake up .
12 You do n't wake up thinking , oh my God , I 've failed the exam , no .
13 ‘ I 'm going to burst if you do n't stop soon . ’
14 ‘ But you do n't stop there every time ? ’
15 You do n't think just any man . ’
16 You do n't think ahead that 's the trouble !
17 You do n't think maybe her wishes should be respected ? ’
18 You do n't think rationally .
19 You , you do n't think then , that Sir Edward Heath did anything special to get the release of these men ?
20 ‘ I would hope , ’ she said , ‘ that you do n't think so . ’
21 Or maybe you do n't think so ? ’
22 You do n't think so now , but one day you 'll understand what I mean — when you 're old , and tired , and no longer beautiful .
23 You do n't think so ?
24 You do n't think so , do you ? ’
25 You do n't think so ?
26 It turns out that trying to define what a group is is quite difficult a what distinguishes a group of people from a mob of people er a group of people queuing at a bus stop , are they a group well you do n't think so normally .
27 You do n't think so ? ’
28 No , you do n't think so ?
29 No , you do n't think so ?
30 You do n't think so ?
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