Example sentences of "you [to-vb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When you 're in the Alps , having a car allows you to drive to different resorts if either poor snow or long queues in yours is a problem .
2 Well I do n't think we need to , the jury need read them now but they 're there and available for you to see in due course yes .
3 Now tell me : who asked you to go to this disco ? ’
4 Er well I do n't want you to go to any expense Martin , I mean
5 Some will require you to go on various training courses , for others practical experience is what counts .
6 And are you now going to take that any further or are you going as far as the government wants you to go as this stage ?
7 But it 's more convenient for you to go in that church if anybody else
8 Remember when I ordered you to strip in that hut ?
9 Were you to continue on this path it would take you to Corrour Station on the edge of Rannoch Moor , and judging by the brutal erosion , something exciting and irresistible must be going on up there to lure so many boot-clad walkers along the track .
10 In this vein we are seeking a mandate from you to continue after this conference in the task of monitoring government employment and training policies in the area , encouraging open debate on these policies , and publicising our findings .
11 They do have other uses of course , such as giving you an early , audible warning of a bite you have not yet seen , and allow you to attend to other things like pouring a cup of coffee and watering the horse , without the risk of missing a bite .
12 Tim , I 'd like you to report on administrative matters first , to get that out of the way . ’
13 I 'm not expecting you to invest in new technology to take advantage of this architecture .
14 It equipped you to cope with everyday life .
15 Equally , how easy is it for you to conceive of another subject of experience , one who is not you ?
16 They are going to have to say : ‘ Look fellas , we do n't want you to work for three months .
17 It allows you to work within those paragraphs to achieve the best effect .
18 Most allow you to work in various colour modes ( RGB , HLS , or CMYK ) and to edit or apply changes to channels individually or collectively .
19 This will help you to work in any type of authority following your admission as a solicitor .
20 Okay what I 'd like to do is get you to work in three syndicates looking at body language , voice tone , words , proximity , attitude , voice volume but what we 'd like to do is actually work in a syndicate that is out of style , out of keeping in your normal style .
21 But I feel you have enough evidence in front of you to come to that conclusion .
22 Well I , excuse me , I would ask you to come on that corner at five O'clock at night , and at half past eight , between half past eight and nine in the morning , and see what speed they all come round , alright ?
23 We also offer International Factoring , which allows you to sell on open account terms , in sterling or foreign currency , and so can help your competitive position .
24 A fifteen-second refresher gives you that vital pause which will enable you to speechread for longer stretches at a time than would be possible otherwise .
25 If you 're asked to answer , say , four questions in three hours , allow yourself sufficient time to study the exam paper and select the right questions for you to answer on that day .
26 In 1979 a French guidebook described Great Britain as ‘ the only place in the world which allows you to depart from this planet without really leaving it . ’
27 You know what I mean : people expect you to talk about dark strangers from over the water and golden fortunes coming their way .
28 Yes , well Eyre there stands as a sort of a paradigmatic modern philosopher , and when I was saying earlier that it was just a logical construction to help you to talk about particular things , and I think Eyre would go along with that .
29 And when I was saying earlier that it was just a logical construction to help you to talk about particular things , and I think Ayer would go along with that .
30 This is an excellent opportunity to receive a substantial cash sum in the year 2001 , to enable you to celebrate in fine style .
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