Example sentences of "you [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is murmured that one or two departments have been given a warning shot across the bows : ‘ improve , or you may sink without trace ’ .
2 Of course , there are other disbursements that you may incur in addition to a local search , and these are dealt with elsewhere in the text .
3 You may choose from Cardiff to Bristol ; from Coventry to Blackpool ; from York to Lindisfarne , or between any other places you fancy .
4 ‘ You may rest here for as long as Moinet orders or you may rest in hospital . ’
5 Under revolving facilities ( such as current account overdrafts and credit card facilities ) you may borrow in amounts and at times of your choosing ( subject to an agreed minimum withdrawal in certain cases ) , provided that the balance on your account remains within the agreed limit and that any agreed payments are made on time .
6 It does nothing useful , despite what you may think about screen saving , but it 's given me more entertainment watching it than any amount of television soaps — Johnny even celebrates major holidays at the right time ( assuming your PC 's clock is set correctly , of course ) .
7 ‘ A discreet establishment that you may visit from time to time ? ’
8 If you do not listen your responses may be ‘ off beam ’ and you may appear to others to be rather stupid .
9 ( Notice that ‘ programs ’ is spelt differently from the ‘ programmes ’ you may watch on TV ) .
10 You may stay until morning , if you wish .
11 reasonable contributions you may make towards transport costs if you 're taken to or from the hospital by a local voluntary car scheme or similar arrangement
12 erm so er it 's sometimes possible to borrow from the university but they usually , they usually make it very difficult for one so er oh thanks , erm so erm anyway because with a thing like people 's accounts of dreams you may want to sort of go back and look at them , you know , sort of how people have expressed them in their own words , they may have er you know produced some nice interesting quotes or something like that
13 • Add up your logos As you make your eight moves , you may land on circles containing a best logo .
14 You have a choice of method of travel : you may travel by road , by rail , or by air .
15 Any additional endowment cover you may require with HeadStart 531 can be provided by Sun Life , one of the UK 's most respected life assurance companies .
16 The questions listed are simply an indication of some of the key information you may require in order to plan sensibly ahead .
17 Alternatively , as many people do , you may look on retirement as the opportunity for a job switch ( with perhaps a reduction in hours ) or the chance you have always wanted of setting up on your own .
18 If so , you may look for work of the same status , remunerated at the same level , for a reasonable time , without having your compensation reduced as a result .
19 Moreover , you may live in area where children go to middle schools from the ages of 8 or 9 until 12 or 14 .
20 If you are not receiving Housing Benefit at the moment , but because you are on a low income you feel that you may qualify for help , please apply to the Council now .
21 If you have a low income and no more than £8,000 savings , you may qualify for Income Support , which is paid weekly and tops up any Income you have to a level set by the Government .
22 If you have an inadequate income , you may qualify for income support which is designed to provide those without sufficient means with enough money to live on .
23 You may turn to others in the company — for rest assured they 'll be watching you — and deadpan them with something like , ‘ … and as well as that … ’ ( indicating the departing cretin ) ‘ …
24 In these two offices all your rights , and those of your elderly parent , to State benefits , pensions and special concessions and allowances can be explained , as well as ways in which you may apply for grants and other forms of help in some circumstances from various voluntary organisations .
25 At the end of your training contract you may apply for admission as a solicitor .
26 If you are taking a year out , you may apply for admission via UCAS in the normal way during that year .
27 The list that follows tells you what proportion of your points you may spend on character models , regiments , war machines and allies .
28 The list that follows tells you what proportion of your points you may spend on character models , regiments , war machines and allies .
29 Do n't imagine you can walk easily straight up on to the Arête from the bottom of the corrie , as you may get into difficulties near the top unless you 've a head for heights .
30 Once you move into particle physics , or molecular biology , then you may deal with phenomena that are not only esoteric , but literally have no equivalent in the everyday world .
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