Example sentences of "you [vb mod] [adv] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You may already have life insurance , but that will usually only pay out if you die .
2 Many nurseries are adding species and Old varieties to their lists and you may well find shrub forms , ramblers and climbers all grouped under the one heading .
3 By investing some time and trouble in learning to capture and interpret your own dreams , you may well gain insight into those aspects of your life that we 've been discussing throughout this chapter — some of your needs as living , loving , sexual being , surviving , as we all must , in complex relationships with other people .
4 Here are some further areas in which you may well have experience and that would stand you in good stead with a prospective employer .
5 You may even throw caution to the wind and try one of our Mystery Trips .
6 So next time a lazy Sunday rolls around and you ca n't face the performance of getting together a roast , try a vegetable alternative you may even convert grandma !
7 Because you are so aware , you may even hear background noises outside , and you will certainly hear the therapist 's voice .
8 You may also negotiate cash advances from your bank , using the bill of exchange as security .
9 You may also notice pain or soreness during sexual intercourse and find that you want to pass water more often , which may also sting or ‘ burn ’ .
10 You may also need cover for tools or equipment used by you and your employees .
11 These are usually available in white or grey in three sizes : 32mm ( 1¼in ) , 40mm ( 1½in ) and 50mm ( 2in ) ; you may also find polypropylene in brown or black .
12 You may also find egg yolk with your paint is successful — this was used in Italy .
13 You may also find information about the University of Edinburgh at your local British Council Office which you are welcome to contact .
14 You may also find advice on how to couple your camcorder to a second video machine to enable you to copy your tapes and carry out editing operations .
15 While there may be pain on pressure over the centre of the bony pelvis if osteitis is present , you may also get pain if you attempt sit-ups , kick a ball or even turn over in bed .
16 If you can keep your ‘ surplus ’ projects simple and labour-saving — grass-letting or flying flocks of grazing animals for example — you May still find time to concentrate on feeding your family as your first objective on quite a large holding .
17 You may only enter development ( unapproved ) modules into LIFESPAN .
18 On a flotilla holiday you may accidentally lose equipment or damage the yacht .
19 Iron helps in the formation of red blood cells and supplies you with energy , particularly important for women during their monthly cycle when you may often lack energy and feel tired .
20 You may occasionally see precision artwork transfers available which are thicker ( 25 microns ) .
21 You must also show improvement in a physical activity either in a team or as an individual .
22 And you must also make provision for things going wrong :
23 You must also take care that on process startup , you set the ACL with READ access to the command file created by LIFESPAN , ie. SYS$LIFESPAN : .COM .
24 This applies a sideways lift component which starts the model turning and you must immediately apply tail rotor ( rudder ) to make the fuselage follow the turn .
25 So the advice is , and I 'm not an investment advisor , it 's because of the exemption you must always take advantage of all tax exempt forms of savings before you look at anything else .
26 People have to earn your respect and just because they have a big desk , long title or an impressive uniform it does n't mean you should automatically give way to their judgements and decisions .
27 People have to earn your respect and just because they have a big desk , long title or an impressive uniform it does n't mean you should automatically give way to their judgements and decisions .
28 You should also make contact with the Federation of Worker Writers and Community Publishers .
29 You should also avoid exposure to large doses of synthetic chemicals , such as from household timber treatment or crop-spraying ( see p 249 ) .
30 Of course you should also list experience and skill gained from past employment .
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