Example sentences of "you [modal v] go [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 You ought to go to Yelton yourself and see the privation there , but I do n't suppose you could walk as far as your gate , never mind finding a horse strong enough to carry you .
2 ‘ Mr Aycliffe , you must go to London at once !
3 But you must go to Redmond , if you want to study … ’
4 " You must go to Rochester . "
5 A BIG thank you must go to Richard Newcombe for all the background work , also to Mike and Avril for the cups of tea and biscuits , to the Nottingham boys and Richard Wildig for their help and to Ron Davies for the use of his barn .
6 Mention to almost any European bird-watcher that you are going to Iceland and the response will be ‘ You must go to Mývatn ! ’
7 For a moment or two we were all silent , and then Sapt looked at me , ‘ You must go to Strelsau and take his place ! ’
8 ‘ Now , Sir Henry , I agree that you should go to Baskerville Hall as quickly as possible .
9 Perhaps you should go to America .
10 You should go to America .
11 ‘ You know , Hank , if you really want to write for a living you should go to London and Edinburgh , go to Europe , too — perhaps try working for a newspaper or magazine .
12 You should go to Andalucia some day .
13 Erm I du n no , the thing is our prom , yeah , is the day before so like I 'm gon na be pretty fucked erm two , a couple of my friends who are coming , they 've got they 're like in the middle of the ex their exams like erm I know my one friend 's driving there but he 's going from St John 's Wood , thanks , erm we might be able to pick you up , I 'm not sure , it depends what 's happening or you might go with Josh , like we 'll meet outside probably .
14 " You 'll go to Newnham . "
15 What it is anyway proposal representation are being sent out if anybody down here you 'll go into England if I voted conservative you know , just say for example it would n't be the one past the post it 'll be the one with the most votes
16 I 'd be grateful if you 'd go to Hastings to see if you can discover what 's niggling at her .
17 " I 'd be grateful if you 'd go with Inspector Massingham and show him .
18 You could go to Bradford from here
19 If you did have a car you could go to Maces and stuff like that .
20 He was involved in the anti-war movement , and worked briefly in community service before discovering you could go to Sussex University without any O levels , provided you had A levels .
21 At the prices that were being charged would you go to Slaley Hall when you could go to Portugal ? ’
22 Erm I remem erm y you used to erm erm take , have to take exams and if you passed the exams you could go to Alma Green Secondary School .
23 You could go to Newcastle or York shopping and be back in time to do the school run .
24 i if she did n't have a car you could go into Maces .
25 Or you could go down California Road
26 ‘ It was as far as you could go in Moyne .
27 Did you used to go to Sunday School ?
28 When socialists in the north grew dispirited I would say to them ‘ When you die you shall go to West Ham ’ .
29 You shall go to Cowan Bridge , too , when you are older . ’
30 One day you will all die , and if you are good , you will go to God too . ’
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