Example sentences of "you [modal v] [vb infin] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 You may think that I am too harsh and write with lack of sympathy for the children , expecting them to struggle with concepts which cause greater minds a great deal of thought .
2 You may think that I want to destroy the milk boards , but if you believe that you will believe anything . ’
3 You may think as I often do : has the client never before seen his consumers ?
4 However , you may see that I worked over many lines before the ink had been allowed to dry , so in some places the black ink has become fused with the watercolour .
5 You may object that I 'm only describing the kind of action that occurs in whodunnit stories — but look again at the short fictions that have moved you .
6 You may remember that I begged you to make love to me the first time , Penry Vaughan !
7 You may recall that I proposed earlier a scheme to do just that — namely , the registration of a new entry , but accompanied by a code known to the Registrar which would alert him in any case of attempted fraud .
8 In the third place , you may recall that I escorted you to your room at half-past twelve ; but the college gates are locked at midnight , from which it follows that I would have had to rouse the duty porter in order both to be let out and to be let in again , something he will most certainly confirm I did not do .
9 ‘ Ruth , you must do as I tell you . ’
10 ‘ I know how you must feel but I had to be sure you were n't another journalist out for a story . ’
11 Dear Mummy , I know how disappointed and unhappy you must feel and I know you think I 've behaved badly .
12 For you must know that I had a twin brother , as beautiful as the day , and gentle as a fawn , and wholesome as new bread and butter , whose company pleased me so much , as mine also pleased him , that we swore an oath never to marry but to live forever peacefully in the castle , and hunt and play together the livelong day .
13 You must know that I do . ’
14 You must know that I am not without artifice where magic is concerned , ’ said Weasel .
15 I did n't mean to do it and you must know that I would n't stoop so low — ’
16 But you must believe that I kept you here not because I wanted to , but because I believed it my duty to those whom God ( or , well , the Company anyway ) has placed in my care .
17 ‘ Surely you must realize that I have placed myself in a difficult position ?
18 You must realize that I 've got it all worked out in my head so that this does n't have any bearing on you at all . ’
19 And you must fly and I must run .
20 You must understand that I can do nothing further for you .
21 No problem — you must understand that I 've aged a little , I mean I still look roughly the same .
22 You must understand that I never meant anything like this to happen .
23 ‘ But you must remember that I am an industrialist and , really , factories are as interesting to me as museums , ha ! ha ! ’
24 ‘ That 's not my style , Ian — you should realise that I set great store by not creating ‘ scenes ’ ; by not making those that I esteem suffer any unnecessary discomfort , whether it be social , physical , or otherwise . ’
25 I a lot , cos I remember erm when Claire was I got a really formal invitation to something and I asked Claire how you were supposed to reply and she told me the exact wording of how you should reply and I just looked at her I looked at her and I said I 'm not bloody writing that .
26 We both know what an outrageously male chauvinist pig you are , Ross — but , in case you have n't guessed , I find it very insulting that you should insinuate that I have somehow slept my way up to my present position ! ’
27 ‘ It 's funny you should ask because I bumped into her just as I was coming back from the loo .
28 He took the list , that list right there , and he went like this with it — I was sitting across the table — and he said , ‘ For someone who has seen so much war as you have , North , you should understand that I want to end the war on terms that are acceptable to Iran .
29 Mr Sugar said : ‘ You should remember that I have devoted my life and energies to Amstrad since the age of 17 .
30 You sho , you should get if I was you .
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