Example sentences of "you [be] not be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sit downwind , of course , but be aware that wind often swirls in woodland clearings , so look at the leaves on the tops of the trees to make sure you are not being misled by the wind direction at ground level .
2 If you are only allowed to use your ‘ company car ’ in connection with your job , you will probably not be entitled to compensation for loss of the right to use it during your notice period if you are not being asked to work .
3 You are not being led into a drunken orgy .
4 But please remember what Doctor Barton has pointed out — you are not being judged twice for the same crime .
5 You are not being judged — you are being admired . ’
6 You 're not being manoeuvred into anything .
7 But So we 're looking for a nice balance between clutch and throttle , that you 're not being jerked and the not clutch is not bloody flying every time that you take let your foot to engage a gear .
8 You 're not being pushed into a corner , ’ he told her calmly .
9 " You 're not being victimised , Mr Grout , " Starke said .
10 Check that you 're not being followed by two people : you may be ‘ sandwiched ’ — with one ahead of you and the other behind .
11 You 're not being asked to go , you 're being told ’
12 Andrée said reasonably , ‘ You 're not being asked to throw a cocktail party .
13 You 're not being talked to by the mainstream now , but by us who you grew up with .
14 You 're not being held hostage .
15 No you 're not being taken for a ride , this is a 19th century cabbies shelter .
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